The Ultimate Test

Ace Your Next Technical Job Interview

Angie Jones


Senior Automation Engineer

Twitter, San Francisco, CA, USA

T.J. Maher

Adventures in Automation


Testing Round


How would you test a chair?


Automation Round


Automation Pyramid



Unit Tests

public int add(int a, int b);


Service Tests

Given a user profile, how would you test

CRUD operations of a REST API?


CRUD REST Methods Tests
create post
read get
update put
delete delete


CRUD REST Methods Tests
create post post with all optional and required data
post with only required data
post with required data missing
post with invalid data for the parameters
read get
update put
delete delete


CRUD REST Methods Tests
create post post with all optional and required data
post with only required data
post with required data missing
post with invalid data for the parameters
read get get when profile doesn't exist
get when profile exists
create profile then get
update profile then get
delete profile then get
update put
delete delete


CRUD REST Methods Tests
create post post with all optional and required data
post with only required data
post with required data missing
post with invalid data for the parameters
read get get when profile doesn't exist
get when profile exists
create profile then get
update profile then get
delete profile then get
update put update existing profile
update non-existing profile
update deleted profile
update then update again
delete delete


CRUD REST Methods Tests
create post post with all optional and required data
post with only required data
post with required data missing
post with invalid data for the parameters
read get get when profile doesn't exist
get when profile exists
create profile then get
update profile then get
delete profile then get
update put update existing profile
update non-existing profile
update deleted profile
update then update again
delete delete delete profile
delete when there are dependencies
delete after delete
delete non-existing


UI Automation










.//span[contains(@class, 'PollXChoice-choice--radio')]/span[text() = '%s']

Development Round


Brush up on...


  • Big O Notation
  • Data Structures
  • Algorithms

Big O Notation


Notation Description Example
​O(1) - Excellent performance of execution is the same regardless of the input set insert, delete, search Hash table
O(log N) - Good high performance at beginning but flattens as the size of the data set increases binary search
O(N) - Fair performance will deteriorate in direct proportion to the growth of the input set loop through List to find value
O (N log N) - Bad O(N) * O(log N) - task takes O(log N) and has to be repeated O(N) times sorting
​O(N^2)- Horrible
performance will deteriorate in direct proportion of 2 times the data set nested loops
N^2  is for 2 nested loops
N^3  is for 3 nested loops
​O(2^N) - Horrible number of calls inside function x number of times function will be called recursive function with multiple calls (i.e fibonacci recursion)

Data Structures


Structure Description
Hash Table maps keys to values
Stack line of data. last in, first out
Queue line of data. first in, first out
Linked List sequence of nodes where each node points to next node


Instructions: 2 arrays. Print any that appear in both


a1 = {'a', 'b', 'c'}

a2 = {'b', 'c', 'd'}


Instructions: 2 arrays. Print any that appear in both


a1 = {'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'}

a2 = {'b', 'c', 'd'}


Instructions: 2 arrays. Print any that appear in both


a1 = {'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'}

a2 = {'b', 'c', 'd'}


Expected Result: {'c', 'b'}


Instructions: 2 arrays. Print any that appear in both


a1 = {'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'}

a2 = {'b', 'c', 'd'}


Expected Result: {'c', 'b'}



Given a list of Strings and a specific String, find out many times the String appears in the list


l = {"abc", "def", "abc", "ghi"}

s = "abc"

output = 2



Given a list of Strings and a specific String, find out many times the String appears in the list


l = {"abc", "def", "abc", "ghi"}

s = "abc"

output = 2



Cracking the Code Interview

by Gayle McDowell



Good luck!

Angie Jones


Senior Automation Engineer

Twitter, San Francisco, CA, USA

Ace Your Technical Job Interview

By Angie Jones

Ace Your Technical Job Interview

Tech interviews these days are bananas, especially for automation engineers who need to know testing, development, and their specialty. In this talk, I walk through how to solve tricky interview problems for automation engineers.

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