Questions Welcome!
- Why am I here?
- What is Google Code-In anyway?
- Will anyone ever do such thing?
- How will I get this done in my school?
- Too much of load for a student?
- Will students benefit out of it?
- What is take away from this session?
Google Code In
- Funded by Google for students ( 13 - 17 ) aged
- Complete tasks for projects to earn T-Shirts, Certificates, Hooded sweatshirts and skills!
- 2 Grand prize winners from each organization get GRAND PRIZE to CALIFORNIA with parents
- 25 Organizations and loads of tasks
Google Code In
Code Documentation Outreach/Research Quality Assurance User Interface
Why this Training NOW ?
- Next Code-In, Maybe this August - Plenty of time!
- Participation of Kerala students very low!
- Students deprived of an opportunity
- INDIA need better Computer Engineers who know to code
- Would be a huge addition to school records
Is it already Happening ?
- Govindram Seksaria Science P.U. College, Belgaum -#2 among 397 schools worldwide with 49 completed tasks
why not
What is happening in schools now ?
- Undirected student clubs
- Only arts and games? No!!
- Difficult to handle a club, without affecting the student academics
What we have in store for you :)
What we have in store for you :)
1/3 Day
- Various techniques to get help from the internet
- Etiquette and Netiquettes in internet communication
- Basic of Web programming and building a good looking website
- Chat with Google Code-In Program Manager - Ms. Stephanie Taylor
What we have in store for you :)
2/3 Day
- Chat with Wikimedia Google Code in admin - Andre Klapper
- Getting familiar with the Linux terminal
- Understanding Git to make your life easy
- Hacking more on Git
- Blog for fun
What we have in store for you :)
3/3 Day
- Hosting your own PHP code, reading and pushing to a code-base
- Open source contribution workflow clone, fork and push
- Games on effective Google-ing
- Getting your code merged with
pull request
After 15 October
- Get two or more students interested in Computer Science ( XI students preferred )
- Connect us with them ( via IRC ) or help them
setup their machine to take part in GCI - Give them a helping hand, and guide them till they fix their first bug!
- Send them back to us later for the second edition of GCI training :)
After 15 October - School clubs
- Fire-walled internet connection in Computer labs
- Interested students can stay back for 1 to 2 hour daily in lab
- Installing Ubuntu/Linux in Computer lab machines ( dual-boot safely )
- Weekly video conference with our FOSS club for mentoring
Thank You!
Have a nice time
Tinkering Workshop- Google Code-In
By Aniketh Gireesh
Tinkering Workshop- Google Code-In
- 873