Stochastic electronic structure theory
Ankit Mahajan
PySCF meeting
Variational Monte Carlo
Stochastic multireference perturbation theory
Projection QMC

Projection QMC
- Free projection: try to manage sign problem e.g. by using accurate \(|\psi_l\rangle\) and \(|\psi_r\rangle\), numerically exact and exponentially scaling
Noise in QMC sampling worsens exponentially with \(\tau\) and system size (sign problem)
Imaginary time propagation:
Two flavors:
- Constrained: use trial state to constrain projection, trial dependent bias but polynomially scaling
Sampling in Auxiliary Field QMC
- Exponentiating \(\hat{K}\):
- Exponentiating \(\hat{V}\): coupling to a scalar field
\(x_{\gamma}\): auxiliary field
(Thouless, 1960)
(Stratonovich, 1957)
Free projection:
Zhang, Krakauer, Reichman, Rubenstein, ...
CCSD as \(|\psi_r\rangle\) in free projection:
Benzene (30e, 102o)

Zero variance principle
If \(|\psi_l\rangle\) is the exact ground state, \(\langle\psi_0|\hat{H}|\phi_i\rangle = E_0 \langle\psi_0|\phi_i\rangle\), and the energy estimator has zero variance. More accurate \(|\psi_l\rangle\ \rightarrow\ \) smaller variance.
Selected configuration interaction: put the most important configurations in the state using particle-hole excitations and optimize

Benzene (30e, 102o)
Selected CI local energy algorithm

Generalized Wick's theorem: consider \(|\psi_l\rangle = c_{ptqu}\hat{a}_t^{\dagger}\hat{a}_p\hat{a}_u^{\dagger}\hat{a}_q|\psi_0\rangle\)

Benzene (30e, 102o)
\([\text{Cu}_2\text{O}_2]^{2+}\) isomerization


Free projection AFQMC using HCI and CCSD:
\(\text{H}_{50}\) (50e, 50o)

Phaseless AFQMC:

Excited states in phaseless AFQMC

Butadiene: (22e, 142o)
Nickel porphyrin: (122e, 406o)
Method | ||
SC-NEVPT2 | 6.72 | 6.74 |
CCSD | 6.31 | 7.08 |
AFQMC | 6.46(5) | 6.67(5) |
TBE | 6.2 | 6.5 |
Method | |
CASSCF (4e, 4o) | 3.8 |
CCSD | 2.55 |
AFQMC / sCI (50k) | 3.0(1) |
AFQMC / sCI (100k) | 2.8(1) |
Experiment | 2.3-2.4 |
(4e, 8o) active space
Other properties
Species | Exact | CCSD | ph-AFQMC |
0.990 | 0.992 | 0.986(2) | |
CO | 0.090 | 0.099 | 0.086(3) |
- Can be evaluated as derivatives of energy
- Derivatives can be calculated just as efficiently as energy (JAX implementation)
Small molecule dipole moment calculations (DZ basis):

Symmetry projection in VMC
Jastrow symmetry projected state:
Symmetries: spin, number, complex conjugation, ...

VMC: parametrize wave function, sample energy and gradients, optimize
d (Bohr) | DMRG | Jastrow-SzPfaffian | Jastrow-KSzPfaffian |
1.6 | -0.5344 | -0.5327(2) | -0.5337(2) |
1.8 | -0.5408 | -0.5389(2) | -0.5400(2) |
2.5 | -0.5187 | -0.5167(2) | -0.5180(2) |
H\( _{50} \) linear chain (50e, 50o):
Stochastic SC-MRCI and SC-NEVPT2
Avoids calculation of higher order RDM's by using VMC-like sampling


\([\text{Cu}_2\text{O}_2]^{2+}\) (28e, 32o) active space SC-NEVPT2
Thank you!
By Ankit Mahajan
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