Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Finance (Technical Course)

3 Foundational Courses

Financial Analytics with Python

Introduction to Classical Machine Learning

Foundations of Neural Networks


5 Electives Courses


5 Electives Courses

Computer Vision 

Sequence Classification (Time Series, Speech and Text)

Natural Language Programming (NLP)

Reinforcement Learning (Reward maximisation)

Generative Deep Learning (Unsupervised, Creativity and Art)


Foundational Courses

Financial Analytics with Python

Python and Jupyter Notebook

Data preparation, preprocessing and munging with Numpy and Pandas

Visualisation with Matplotlib, Seaborn

Intro to Classical Machine Learning

AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Quick review of Analytics

Supervised Machine Learning

Unsupervised Machine Learning

Ensemble Machine Learning

Foundations of Neural Network

What is Deep Learning

Building blocks of deep learning

Getting started with deep learning

Fundamentals of ML

- Evaluation of ML models

- Data preprocessing, feature engineering

- Overfitting and underfitting

- Model evaluation, regularise and tune


Computer Vision

Course Description to come

Use Cases

- Insurance underwriting

- Document and text recognition

- Facial recognition / security

Sequence Classification

Course Description to come

Use Cases

- Sales projections

- Products and services demand load forecast

- Provide timely insights to customers and management

- Time series forecasting

- Speech and Text generations

Language Processing

Course Description to come

Use Cases

- Personal Assistance / Customer service / chatbot

- Insurance underwriting

- Risk management

- Sentiment Analysis

Reinforcement Learning

Course Description to come

Use Cases

- Self driving car

- Wealth management

- Order Placements


Generative Deep Learning

Course Description to come

Use Cases

- Text Generation with LSTM

- Deep Dream

- Neural Style Transfer

- Generative Images with Variational Autoencoders for generative images / denoising / deep portfolios

- Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)

Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Finance

By Anthony Ng

Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Finance

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