Andreas Park PRO
Professor of Finance at UofT
Discussion of "Stablecoin Runs and the Centralization of Arbitrage"
Paper by Ma, Zeng, and Zhang
Discussion by: Andreas Park
What is a stablecoin?
digital representation of a unit of a fiat currency on a blockchain
pulled from Nick Carter's talk on "Will stablecoins serve or subvert U.S. interests?"
stablecoins are crypto's/blockchain's first "killer" use case
JPM coin
UST, Basis, Neutrino
Collateral Backed Stablecoins: USDT & USDC
\(\Rightarrow\) 5% over-collateralized
primary market acces: 6 entities only
Collateral Backed Stablecoins: USDT & USDC
primary market acces: 560+ entities
What makes a Stablecoin stable?
USD-USDT (6 months)
\(\Rightarrow\) need a primary/reference market mechanism to allow for forces of arbitrage to align prices
Arbitrage when price(stablecoin)>$1
issuer/ primary market
secondary market
What makes a Stablecoin stable?
Arbitrage when price(stablecoin)<$1
issuer/ primary market
secondary market
This paper: Runs!
Key Model Ingredients and what they do
1. stablecoin with primary and secondary market
2. liquidity transformation by stablecoin issuer \(\to\) Diamond-Dybvig bank run model
3. Morris-Shin-style global game
What's the Key Tension
to exchange stablecoins for USD at parity issuer needs to
find cash or
sell illiquid assets
Issues in the Secondary Market
Issues in the Primary Market
What's the Key Tension
What's the Key Mechanism
key implication:
less liquid backing \(\to\) more run risk
to exchange stablecoins for USD at parity issuer needs to
find cash or
sell illiquid assets
Issues in the Secondary Market
Issues in the Primary Market
key implication:
more liquidity \(\to\) more run risk
Intuition for Key Result
key implication:
more liquidity \(\to\) less price impact
less price impact \(\to\) more run risk
more abitrageurs \(\to\) more secondary market liquidity
Model Implications
Comment 0: all OK with the theory?
Comment 1: What brings prices back to parity?
1. primary market arbitrage
2. secondary market arbitrage
Arbitrage when price(stablecoin)<$1
issuer/ primary market
secondary market
issuer/ primary market
secondary market
Cost on Kraken: .1 bps
Source: Liao (2023) "How to preserve the singleness of money for tokenised forms of money? "
Does secondary market activity justify primary market flows?
Comment 2: Price impact argument for infinitesimal investors
Comment 3: cranky referee #2
censored ;-)
Comment 4: issuers optimize over #of arbitrageurs?
Comments 5: odds and ends
Comment 3: cranky referee #2
Proposition 2: "The run threshold, that is, run risk, is increasing in \(\phi\) if and only if \(g(\phi) > K\), where \(g(\phi)\) is continuous and strictly decreasing in \(\phi\) , and satisfies \(\lim_{\phi \to 0} g(\phi)>0\)."
By Andreas Park