But is not it sexist to say "women" developers?




Ayşe Bilge Gündüz & Gülçin Yıldırım Jelínek

ÖzgürKon 2020

Ayşe Bilge

PhDc, Comp Eng @ YTU

MSc, Comp Eng @ ITU

BSc, Comp Eng @ SU

Kadın Yazılımcı

Application Security and Data Science Enthusiast

Muay Thai Turkey


MSc, Comp. & Sys Eng @ TTU

BSc, Applied Maths @ YTU

PostgreSQL Europe

Prague PostgreSQL Meetup

Kadın Yazılımcı

Working with dbs 10+ years

New Mom 

Who are we?

Discrimination of white man

Why women?

I'm trying to encourage myself while encouraging other women.

If you were the geek growing up, you’ll recognize how lonely it can be. If you were the female geek, you’ll know it’s far lonelier.

Kadın Yazılımcı

(Women Developers of Turkey)

[ from an interview with Gloria Steinem ]

...“They’re 20,” she replies. “Chances are [by that age] you haven’t been discriminated against that much in the labour force. Maybe you don’t yet have children and you haven’t experienced how unequal and difficult that is. It’s why, in a general way, women get more radical with age. And men get more conservative. People look at younger women and think if they’re not radical there’s something wrong with them. No – they just haven’t experienced the problems yet.”

'Women get more radical with age, men get more conservative'

The perceptions of women

Translation: We have been living abroad with my husband for the same amount of time. They are asking him about life, working environment, economy and to me the daycare of our son. This is all I can say. (She is a researcher)

Prejudices against women


Be as good as men?

Why do women leave IT?

Hmm, let's teach young girls to code. 

Soft Skills?

Doing the dirty work

Technical enough?

Taking the credit

and when we take credit..

Women are not rewarded for pushing to advance or get more pay—they are, in fact, penalized. The words that spring to co-workers’ minds to describe ambitious women include “bossy,” “pushy,” and “abrasive”.

I look like an engineer!

It doesn't matter whether you are in Stanford or Sakarya, what you experience is the same.

"..My classmates bragged about finishing assignments in three hours. I told myself that they were quantifiably five times better me.


..I didn’t consider the idea that they might be bluffing. Instead I assumed the problem was me."

 - Tracy Chou*

We are not just our bodies

Representation matters

We value diversity

Equality vs Equity

"..On an average day, a fifth of men did housework, compared with nearly half of women. In households with children under the age of six, men spent less than half as much time as women taking physical care of these children. At work, on the other hand, men spent fifty-two minutes a day longer on the job than women did."

Giving up is an option, but...

"..Women leave tech companies at twice* the rate that men do, generally after putting in 18-36 months. So that’s your turnaround time to figure out if your company’s retention efforts are paying off."*

Importance of speaking up



But is not it sexist to say "women" developers?

By Gülçin Yıldırım Jelínek

But is not it sexist to say "women" developers?

This talk is presented at ÖzgürKon 2020 by Ayşe Bilge Gündüz and Gülçin Yıldırım Jelínek.

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