Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible

Gülçin Yıldırım

FOSDEM PGDay 2016, Brussels

select * from me;

Postgres DBA @ 2ndQuadrant

Studying MSc Comp. & Systems Eng. @ Tallinn University of Technology

Studied BSc Maths Eng. @ Yildiz Technical University

Writes blog on 2ndQuadrant blog

Does some childish paintings

Loves independent films



Skype: gulcin2ndq

Github: gulcin

What is Ansible?

Simple, agentless and powerful open source IT automation tool

  • Provisioning
  • Configuration Management
  • Application Deployment
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Security & Compliance
  • Orchestration

What are the options?

What are the options?

Why Ansible?

  • Agent-less architecture (no agent is required, everything is done by using SSH, ssh for communication)
  • No centralized server, no client-side agents
  • SSH based
  • Configuration as data, not code (YAML files)
  • Batteries included 
  • Full conf. management, deployment and orchestration
  • Custom modules can be written in any programming language.
  • JSON input/output is sufficient to integrate a module into Ansible.

Life before Ansible

Multiple ssh, control panels, editing config files manually.

Let's install Ansible

Debian or Ubuntu:

apt-get install python-dev python-setuptools
easy_install pip
pip install ansible boto

Mac OS X:

sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install ansible boto

Code of this talk


This example:

  • Provision Amazon VPC and EC2 instances
  • Install latest PostgreSQL packages
  • Setup a streaming replication with 1 master and 2 standbys
  • Add a new standby server

Building Blocks



   our solutions executes tasks for an inventory

   utilizing some modules,

   using or populating some variables,

   processing some file templates,

   in a playbook,

   which can be organized in roles.



  • Tells Ansible about hosts it should manage
    • Hostnames, IPs, ports, SSH parameters
    • Server specific variables
  • 2 common ways to provide Ansible an inventory:
    • Static inventory: A flat INI file (e.g., hosts.ini)
    • Dynamic inventory: An application returning a JSON data (e.g.,: for Amazon EC2)
  • Hosts are grouped. They can belong to multiple groups
  • Groups can also belong to multiple groups


Below inventory file in INI format contains 3 hosts under 2 groups.

There is also a 3rd group which contains other groups and all of the hosts.

# "master" group with 1 host
postgresql-master        ansible_ssh_host=     ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu

# "standby" group with 2 hosts
postgresql-standby-01    ansible_ssh_host=    ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
postgresql-standby-02    ansible_ssh_host=    ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu

# the "replication" group contains both "master" and "standbys" groups


  • Modules provide Ansible means to control or manage resources on local or remote servers.
  • They perform a variety of functions. For example a module may be responsible for rebooting a machine or it can simply display a message on the screen.
  • Ansible allows users to write their own modules and also provides out-of-the-box core or extras modules.
    • Core
    • Extras


Some of the most commonly used modules are:


  • File handling: file, stat, copy, template
  • Remote execution: command, shell
  • Service management: service
  • Package management: apt, yum, bsd, ports
  • Source control systems: git, subversion


Tasks are responsible for calling a module with a specific set of parameters.


Each Ansible task contains:

  • a descriptive name [optional]
  • a module to be called
  • module parameters
  • pre/post-conditions [optional]
  • processing directives [optional]


They allow us to call Ansible modules and pass information to consecutive tasks.


Below task invokes the "file" module by providing 4 parameters. It ensures 3 conditions are true:


  • /var/lib/postgresql exists as a directory
  • owner of /var/lib/postgresql is "postgres"
  • group of /var/lib/postgresql is "postgres"

If it doesn't exist, Ansible creates the directory and assigns owner & group. If only the owner is different, Ansible makes it "postgres".

- name: Ensure the data folder has right ownership
  file: path="/var/lib/postgresql" state=directory owner=postgres group=postgres


Following example shows relationships between tasks. The first task checks if a device exists and the second task mounts the device depending on the result from the first task.

Please note "register" and "when" keywords.

- name: Check if the data volume partition exists
  stat: path=/dev/sdc1
  register: partition

- name: Ensure the PostgreSQL data volume is mounted
  mount: src=/dev/sdc1 name="/var/lib/postgresql/9.4" fstype=ext4 state=mounted
  when: partition.stat.exists is defined and partition.stat.exists


Variables in Ansible are very useful for reusing information. Sources for variables are:

  • Inventory: We can assign variables to hosts or groups (group vars, host vars).
  • YAML files: We can include files containing variables.
  • Task results: Result of a task can be assigned to a variable using the register keyword as shown in the previous slide.
  • Playbooks: We can define variables in Ansible playbooks (more on that later).
  • Command line: (-e means extra variable // -e  "uservar=gulcin")


There is also discovered variables (facts) and they can be found by using setup module:


  • All of the output in json: bios_version, architecture, default_ipv4_address, ansible_os_family, etc.

You can use variables in tasks, templates themselves and you can iterate over using with_type functions.


ansible -i hosts.ini -m setup hostname
- name: Ensure PostgreSQL users are present
    state: present
    name: "{{ }}"
    password: "{{ item.password }}"
    role_attr_flags: "{{ item.roles }}"
  with_items: postgresql_users


We can think templates as our configuration files. Ansible lets us use the Jinja2 template engine for reforming and parameterising our files. 

The Jinja2 templating engine offers a wide range of control structures, functions and filters..

Some of useful capabilities of Jinja2:

  • for-loops
  • join(), default(), range(), format()
  • union(), intersect(), difference()
  • | to_json, | to_nice_yaml, | from_json, | from_yml
  • | min, | max, | unique, | version_compare, | random



*:*:*:{{ }}:{{ postgresql_replication_user.password }}

Let's check our pgpass.j2 template:

Let's have a look at pg_hba.conf.j2 file, too:

# Access to user from local without password, from subnet with password
{% for user in postgresql_users %}
local  all         {{ }}                             trust
host   all         {{ }}    {{ ec2_subnet }}         md5
{% endfor %}

# Replication user for standby servers access
{% for standby_ip in postgresql_standby_ips %}
host   replication {{ }}  {{ standby_ip }}/32  md5
{% endfor %}


  • Playbooks contains Plays
    • Plays contain Tasks
      • Tasks call Modules and may (optionally) trigger handlers (run once, run at the end)


If Ansible modules are the tools in your workshop, playbooks are your design plans

  • Ansible playbooks are written using the YAML syntax.
  • Playbooks may contain more than one plays
  • Each play contains:
    • name of host groups to connect to
    • tasks it needs to perform.


Strict dependency ordering: everything in file performs in a sequential order. (Before v.2)


Let's look at our playbook example (main.yml):

- name: Ensure all virtual machines are ready
  connection: local
  vars_files: # load default variables from YAML files below
    - 'defaults/postgresql.yml'
    - 'defaults/aws.yml'
    - include: 'tasks/provision.yml' # load infrastructure setup tasks

- name: Ensure all required PostgreSQL dependencies ready
  hosts: postgresql-all # manage all PostgreSQL servers
  sudo: yes
  sudo_user: root
    - 'defaults/postgresql.yml'
    - 'defaults/aws.yml'
    - include: 'tasks/postgresql.yml' # load PostgreSQL setup tasks



You absolutely should be using roles. Roles are great. Use roles. Roles! Did we say that enough? Roles are great.


In Ansible,

  • playbooks organize tasks
  • roles organize playbooks


Imagine that we have lots of independent resources to manage (e.g., web servers, PostgreSQL servers, logging, monitoring, AWS, ...).


Putting everything in a single playbook may result in an unmaintainable solution.


Here you can see a dependency graph and the corresponding role directory structure:


How to Invoke Ansible?


To work with Ansible, we have 2 main alternatives;



  1. Running ad-hoc commands
  2. Running playbooks



Let's check them out one by one.

Ad-hoc Commands

We can call any Ansible module from the command line, anytime.

The ansible CLI tool works like a single task. It requires an inventory, a module name, and module parameters.


For example, given an inventory file like:




Now we can call any module.

Ad-hoc Commands

We can check uptimes of all hosts in dbservers using:


ansible dbservers -i hosts.ini -m command -a "uptime"


Here we can see the Ansible output:

gulcin@apathetic ~ # ansible dbservers -i hosts.ini -m command -a "uptime" | success | rc=0 >>
21:16:24 up 93 days,  9:17,  4 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.03, 0.05

How to Run Playbooks?

For more complex scenarios, we can create playbooks or roles and ask Ansible to run them.


When we run a playbook or a role, Ansible first gathers a lot of useful facts about remote systems it manages. These facts can later be used in playbooks, templates, config files, etc.


We can use the ansible-playbook CLI tool to run playbooks.

How to Run Playbooks?

Given an inventory file like this:




We may have a playbook that connects to hosts in dbservers group, executes the uptime command, and then displays that command's output.


Now let's create a simple playbook to see how it can be ran. 

How to Run Playbooks?

Here is the main.yml file for the playbook we just described:


- hosts: dbservers

  - name: retrieve the uptime
    command: uptime
    register: command_result # Store this command's result in this variable

  - name: Display the uptime
    debug: msg="{{ command_result.stdout }}" # Display command output here

How to Run Playbooks?

Now we can run the playbook and see it's output here:

gulcin@apathetic ~ $ ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini main.yml

PLAY [dbservers] **************************************************************

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: []

TASK: [retrieve the uptime] ***************************************************
changed: []

TASK: [Display the uptime] ****************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": " 15:54:47 up 3 days, 14:32,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05"

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************             : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0

Postgres modules

My blog post covers Ansible PostgreSQL modules: Ansible Loves PostgreSQL

You can find the related Postgres modules' examples on my github repo.

  • postgresql_db: Creates/removes a given db.
  • postgresql_ext: Adds/removes extensions from a db.
  • postgresql_user: Adds/removes users and roles from a db.
  • postgresql_privs: Grants/revokes privileges on db objects (table, sequence, function, db, schema, language, tablespace, group).
  • postgresql_lang: Adds, removes or changes procedural languages with a db.

Creates/removes a given db.  In Ansible terminology, it ensures that a given db is present or absent. 

  • Required param: name
  • Connection params: login_hostport,login_userlogin_password
  • Important param: state (present or absent)

Create db module_test

Remove db module_test

Adds/removes extensions from a db. PostgreSQL offers a wide range of extensions which are extremely helpful. 

  • Mandatory params: db and name (for extension)
  • Other params: state and connection params (login_host, port) as in postgres_db 

Adds/removes users and roles from a db. 

Parameters: name (mandatory), state, connection params, db, password, priv, role_attr_flags ([NO]SUPERUSER, [NO]CREATEDB..)

Creates user

Alters role and gives login and createdb

Grants/revokes privileges on db objects (table, sequence, function, db, schema, language, tablespace, group).

  • Required params: databaseroles
  • Important opt. params: type (i.e. table,sequence,function), objs, privs (i.e. ALL; SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT) 


 Adds, removes or changes procedural languages with a db. 

One of the very powerful features of PostgreSQL is its support for virtually any language to be used as a procedural language.

Params: lang (mandatory), db, connection params, state, cascade, trust 


AWS modules

Ansible provides more than 50 modules for provisioning and managing Amazon Web Services resources.


We have modules for:

  • EC2 (Virtual machine instances)
  • AMI (Virtual machine images)
  • ELB (Load balancers)
  • VPC (Networking infrastructure)
  • EBS (Storage infrastructure)
  • ...

AWS modules

Ansible AWS modules are developed using Boto.

Boto is a Python package that provides interfaces to Amazon Web Services.


For more complex workflows, we can use the script to discover dynamic inventories for our playbooks:

Playbook structure

Playbook AWS architecture


First run

Verify setup

New standby server


Ansible loves PostgreSQL and Ansible has a very active community.


That's why more PostgreSQL modules would be helpful for everyone.

Making contributions to Ansible will be appreciated :)




Huge Thanks!

Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible

By Gülçin Yıldırım Jelínek

Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible

This presentation is prepared for FOSDEM PGDay 2016 in Brussels.

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