Design Tokens

What are they?

  • Design tokens are design decisions, translated into data.
  • They act as a “source of truth” to help ensure that product experiences feel unified and cohesive.
  • a shared language between design and engineering for communicating detailed information about how to build user interfaces.


  • Different Platforms
  • Evolution of the design
  • Consistency
  • Speed at scale

Design token types and terminology

  • Token
    • A design decision
      has been made

Design token types and terminology

  • Token
    • A design decision
      has been made
  • Value
    • data associated
      with the token name

Design token types and terminology

  • Token
    • A design decision
      has been made
  • Value
    • data associated
      with the token name
  • Global token

Design token types and terminology

  • Token
    • A design decision
      has been made
  • Value
    • data associated
      with the token name
  • Global token
  • Alias token

Design token types and terminology

  • Token
    • A design decision
      has been made
  • Value
    • data associated
      with the token name
  • Global token
  • Alias token
  • Component-specific token

Only use global tokens when there are no available aliases for your use case.

Alias tokens are the recommended type to use when building your product with design tokens.

Use component-specific tokens for their respective component

It’s not recommended to use component-specific tokens interchangeably with other components, unless one is derivative of the other.

Integrating with Invenio

  1. A Design
  2. Global tokens
    1. SCSS Variables
    2. CSS Variables
    3. JS / TS / JSON files with exported items
    4. Style Dictionary library
  3. Component-specific tokens
    1. Tailwind theme
    2. PrimeReact Unstyled mode


What is React?

The library for web and native user interfaces


  • Component-based
  • Declarative
  • Uniform

A Web application needs more than just React

  • Component Bundling
    • Webpack, parcel, rollup, browserify ...
  • Transpilers
    • Babel, TS, Rome ...
  • Client-Side Routing
    • React Router, Reach Router, Wouter ...
  • Data Fetching
    • React Query, Apollo
  • Deployment
    • Code Splitting
    • SSR
    • Static Exports

Making a React App in 2023

  • Full React compatibility

  • SSG / SSR / ISR + API

  • Optimizations (Image, Font, Script, Code split)

  • Hot reload with state preservation

  • Routing + Built in CSS support

NextJS = React ++

  • Faster webpages for the user
  • Less infrastructure cost
  • Better scalability
  • Quicker development time
  • Unified codebase

Server Side Rendering (SSR)

  • Can be slow
  • More expensive


Client Side Rendering (CSR)

  • slow on initial render due to bundle loading
  • has issues with crawling (social media)

Static Site Generation (SSG)

  • The fastest option
  • Very cheap
  • Data can get stale + long build times
  • Choose SSG or SSR on a per path basis
  • Next also allows Incremental static regeneration (ISR)
  • ISR can reduce build times.
  • ISR can update SSG'ed sites every X sec (on demand)

API Routes

Other advantages

  • NextJS Analytics
  • Vercel Deployments
  • Image optimisations
  • Massive Community

Next.JS Alternatives

SSR + +/- +
SSG + + -
ISR / DSG + + -
RSC + + -
Edge Support + + +


  • Walmart's Electrode
  • Razzle





By Arfat Salman