Measuring vertical track irregularities from instrumented heavy haul railway vehicle data using machine learning

Arthur Cancellieri Pires

Mechanical Engineer

Data Scientist


Who I am

  • Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from UFES
  • Cursando? Master's degree at Unicamp
  • Machine learning and data science enthusiast
  • Researcher at Lafer (Railway laboratory) in Unicamp
  • Volunteer researcher from LabTDF at UFES

Arthur Pires

Today's presentation

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Future studies

Today's presentation

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Future studies


Typical railway problems

  • Asset degradation
  • Maintenance planning
  • Maintenance cost

Advantages of CBM

  • Continuous monitoring
  • Increased safety
  • Optimal planning
  • Lower cost


There are two main ways of quantifying track quality:

  1. Monitor track irregularities (more common)​​
  2. Monitor the dynamic response of the wagon to the track excitations


There are two main ways of quantifying track quality:

  1. Monitor track irregularities (more common)​​
  2. Monitor the dynamic response of the wagon to the track excitations



Track excitations


Figure: Instrumented railway vehicle (IRV)

Today's presentation

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Future studies



  • Create models that use IRV data to measure and monitor railway parameters;
  • Verify if the current instrumentation of the BRA1 IRV is capable of measuring track irregularities;
  • Achieve a root mean squared error (RMSE) better than 0.66 mm (results obtained by Urda et al.)

IRV data

Data driven models

Track irregularities

Article: Experimental measurement of track irregularities using a scaled track recording vehicle and kalman filtering techniques
Author: Pedro Urda et al;

Date: 2021


  • Estimate track irregularities using a scaled IRV and Kalman filters
  • Compare the proposed method with a previous publication

Specific objective:

  • Obtain a RMSE lower than 0.66 m and 0.42 m  for vertical and lateral irregularities respectively; 
  • Use class D1 wavelength.


Today's presentation

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Future studies



Data analysis

Machine learning

Dynamic simulation



Dynamic simulation


Track geometry


IRV model

  • Wagon: GDE Ride Control
  • Wheel profile: Design 3
  • Rail profile: TR 68
  • Velocity: 10.8 m/s (constant)


Track irregularities





Data Science


EDA - Outliers


EDA - Outliers

After outlier removal


EDA - Effect of Track severity


EDA - Correlation


EDA - Correlation


EDA - Correlation


EDA - Correlation


EDA - Correlation

With the current instrumentation, obtaining lateral irregularities from IRV data is unlikely


EDA - Baseline model


EDA - Baseline model


EDA - Baseline model

  • Suspension variables have the largest importance


EDA - Baseline model

  • Suspension variables have the largest importance
  • Triaxial accelerometer variables have importance (not observed in univariate correlation)


EDA - Baseline model

  • Suspension variables have the largest importance
  • Triaxial accelerometer variables have importance (not observed in univariate correlation)
  • Only the leading uniaxial accelerometers are shown in the top 8 most important variables


EDA - Conclusions

  • Outliers appeared likely due numerical errors caused by impact loads in the wheel rail contact interface
  • More severe track irregularities mask the effect that track curvature has on the measured variables. Therefore, this information is not that helpful and is removed.
  • Suspension sensors will likely be the most important
  • Accelerometers positioned in the trailing bogie have lower correlation with vertical irregularities (bad sensor placemente position for this application)
  • Triaxial accelerometer has low univariate correlation with the target variables, but it is important considering all variables simultaneously
  • A baseline model results in                    , which is far below the desired objective
R^2 = 0.845



Data Science


Filtered dataset

  • Umbalanced dataset
  • Many small irrregulaties
  • Only class FRA4 is used (railway classification)



Data Science


Feature engineering - domain knowledge

Objective: Create new variables that better relate the input to the output



Track excitations

Objective: Create new variables that better relate the input to the output

Integração numérica dos acelerômetros


Feature engineering - domain knowledge

Objective: Create new variables that better relate the input to the output


Feature engineering - statistical metrics



Data Science


Feature selection

After feature engineering


380 columns!


After feature selection


30 columns

R^2 = 0.9738
R^2 = 0.9408

Today's presentation

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Future studies



Machine learning



Better RMSE than 0.66 mm from Urda's research!


Results - best model


Results - best model


Results - postprocessing

RMSE metric improved from 0.523 mm to 0.421 mm!  

High frequency noise has been removed


Results - postprocessing



  1. The current instrumentation of the IRV is capable of obtaining vertical track irregularities. Not likely for lateral track irregularities;
  2. Sensor placement in the trailing bogie will likely not help in measuring vertical track irregularities;
  3. The optimal model resulted in a RMSE metric of 0.523 mm, which is better than similar research publications;
  4. Post processing with a low pass filter at the desired wavelength increased the RMSE from 0.523 mm to 0.421 mm;

Today's presentation

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Future studies


Future studies

  1. Study model robustness with velocity and GPS error
  2. Apply the methodology proposed here to obtain lateral irregularities using the virtual sensors
  3. Degradation forecasting using track geometry data and ML model outputs to estimate optimal date for maintenance
  4. Apply methodology on real measured data


By Arthur Pires


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