A New ORM for Node.js

Presented by:
- Asjad Saboor
- Hussain Ali Akbar

Prevalent Company Culture

- It is mandatory to use Typescript in all the Node.js projects


- Sequelize is the current de facto ORM for all the Node.js projects

Sequelize + Typescript

- Written in Javascript. No official Typescript typings.

- The maintainers have rejected the proposal to provide official typings.

- The community driven typings at definitely typed make Sequelize workable but do not provide any significant advantage for typescript.

- Complicated and confusing documentation

- Higher learning curve

- ts-sequelize is available but not popular

Why not Sequelize? (completely opinionated)

- We explored the following options:

- Knex

- Loopback

- Typeorm

In search for an Alternative

- Knex has an amazing query builder

- But it is not a full blown ORM per se

Why not Knex?

- Typescript typings are maintained by the community

- knex-next (typescript + internal rewrite) is a work in progress but does not have a complete release 

- It is a complete framework like express and koa and not an ORM

- Loopback 4 is in Typescript but wasn't released back then

Why not Loopback?

- Loopback 3 doesn't have official typings

- Written in Typescript

- Influenced by Hibernate and Entity Framework

- Easy to learn

- Easy to maintain

- Typescript classes allows extension for custom logic

- Well documented

- Built in Cache (with a catch)

- Amazing knex like query builder

- Support for all major databases

- And much more!

Why TypeORM?

- Entities

import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, OneToMany, Index } from 'typeorm';
import { LanguageData } from './language-data';

export class State {
  public id: number;

    type: 'character varying',
    length: 255,
    unique: true,
    nullable: false,
  public code: string;

  @OneToMany(() => LanguageData, languageData => languageData.state)
  public languageData: LanguageData[];

// complete decorator reference:
// https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/blob/master/docs/decorator-reference.md
// https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/blob/master/docs/entities.md

TypeORM 101

- Entities

import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, ManyToOne, OneToMany, JoinColumn } from 'typeorm';
import { LanguageData } from './language-data';
import { State } from './state';

export class City {
  public id: number;

    type: 'number',
    default: false,
  public stateId: number;

  @ManyToOne(() => State, { nullable: false })
    name: 'stateId',
    referencedColumnName: 'id',
  public state: State;

  @Column('point', { nullable: true })
  public geom: object;

  @OneToMany(() => LanguageData, languageData => languageData.city)
  public languageData: LanguageData[];
// complete decorator reference:
// https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/blob/master/docs/decorator-reference.md
// https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/blob/master/docs/entities.md

TypeORM 101

- Extending entities

import { CreateDateColumn, UpdateDateColumn } from 'typeorm';

export abstract class AuditColumn {
  public updatedAt: Date;

  public createdAt: Date;
export class User extends AuditColumn {}

TypeORM 101

- Queries with builtin caching

export const findById = async (id: number, roleName?: string):
  Promise<City | undefined> => {
  const cacheKey = `${CachePrefixes.CITY}_findById_id_${id}`;
  const cityRepo = RepositoryFactory.getCityRepository(roleName);
  return cityRepo.findOne({
    where: {
    cache: {
      id: cacheKey,
      milliseconds: config.default.database.cacheDuration,

// https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/blob/master/docs/caching.md
// https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/blob/master/docs/find-options.md

TypeORM 101

- Query Builder

export const countAllOwners = async (roleName?: string): Promise<number> => {
  return await RepositoryFactory.getUserRepository(roleName)
    .innerJoin('users.userType', 'userType')
    .where(`userType.key in ('${UserTypes.CLIENT}', '${UserTypes.BETTS}')`)

// https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/blob/master/docs/select-query-builder.md
// https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/blob/master/docs/relational-query-builder.md

TypeORM 101

- Extending TypeORM through the Repository Factory

TypeORM 101

class TypeORMRepositoryWrapper<Entity> {
  public entityTableName: string;
  public roleName: string;
  public entityClass: ObjectType<Entity>;
  public repository: Repository<Entity>;

    entityTableName: string, roleName: string, entityClass: ObjectType<Entity>,
    connectionName: string = 'default',
  ) {
    this.entityTableName = entityTableName;
    this.roleName = roleName;
    this.entityClass = entityClass;
    this.repository = getConnectionManager()

    this.repository.save = async ( // and more methods like update, find, findOne etc
      entityOrEntities: Entity | Entity[], options?: SaveOptions,
    ): Promise<any> => {
      let sanitizedData: any;
      sanitizedData = await sanitizeRecursively(entityOrEntities, this.roleName);
      return this.repository.manager.save(
        sanitizedData as any,

- Extending TypeORM through the Repository Factory

TypeORM 101

export class RepositoryFactory {

  public static getUserRepository = (roleName: string = ROLES.default.name): Repository<User> => {
    return new TypeORMRepositoryWrapper(ENTITIES.users.tableName, roleName, User).repository;

  public static getCandidateRepository = (
    roleName: string = ROLES.default.name,
  ): Repository<Candidate> => {
    return new TypeORMRepositoryWrapper(ENTITIES.candidates.tableName, roleName, Candidate)

  public static getCityRepository = (roleName: string = ROLES.default.name): Repository<City> => {
    return new TypeORMRepositoryWrapper(ENTITIES.cities.tableName, roleName, City).repository;
// and many more

- TypeORM is far from being as mature as Sequelize

- TypeORM 1.0 is still not released but its expected to be available by the end
of this year

- A lot of major features are not supported such as views

- Builtin Cache creates its own Redis Connection

- The documentation for the next version of TypeORM does not exist so we
 have to go look into the code.

- Slow response on github issues. 

Some Gotchas and Drawbacks of TypeORM

Feel free to contact these persons if you get stuck with TypeORM:

- Asjad Saboor

- Hussain Ali Akbar

- M. Owais Kalam

- Waqas Kiffal


 - dont forget typeORM's own documentation: 



Thank You

A new ORM for Node.js - TYPEORM

By Asjad Saboor

A new ORM for Node.js - TYPEORM

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