2017, You Were Simply Awesome!
Or...Maybe We Were Awesome in 2017!
We're Global!
- React Native Europe, Poland
- ChainReact, Portland, USA
- GDG - Mumbai
- React Amsterdam
- JSChannel Conf - Bangalore
- Google Agency Day, London
- React Meetup at Yourstory - Bangalore
- TechDay London
- ReactFoo, Bangalore and a lot more...
Attended and spoke at conferences, a lot!
Sneakpeak to some cool meetup clicks..
Yay! We added 30+ new ants to our colony :)
- NativeBase hits 7,000+ Stars on GitHub!
We Created Awesome Products!
- NativeBase Market
- StrapUI
- ReactNativeSeed.com
- .... (to add)
Dream -> Idea -> Reality
Awesome New Clients!
- Microsoft (via. MMAD Apps)
- Noon E-commerce, UAE
- ValaPay, Israel
- CloudNine Hospitals, India
- NeuralFrame LLC, USA etc..
We added 27 new services clients in 2017 which includes...
And also scaled up our existing clients like...
- SpringTree, Netherlands
- Essilor, Singapore
- Cloud9 Payment, USA
- Tellius, USA etc..
But wait, the best is yet to come in 2018!!
BuilderX FTW!
- Fund Raising
- Attending Global Conferences
- Might set up an office in USA / Europe for global reach and marketing
- Target to reach around ______ active users by Dec '18
- @sanket : add more points here..
Are we scaling up in 2018?
Office Plans
Yearend Presentation
By Aswathy Anil
Yearend Presentation
- 267