Title Text
About Me
Were gonna chat about...
- New Language Features ( Classes, Arrow, etc )
- Module Loader
- Using it today!
What is it?
ECMAScript 6 is a upcoming language update to JavaScript's standards. Its in the final stages of review and will be out Q1 2015.
With a few exceptions, its mainly just sugar syntax that simplifies a lot of the code we already do today or [insert today's favorite framework] supplements.
What about???
Language Features: Classes
ES6 classes are syntactical sugar for todays Objects and prototypes.
They offer a nice, cleaner, and clearer syntax for creating/extending objects.
Language Features: Basic Classes
class Animal {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
var animal = new Animal('Abby');
animal.name === 'Abby';
Language Features: Extending Classes
class Animal {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
alert(this.name + ' says ' + msg);
class Panda extends Animal {
talk(msg) {
var panda = new Panda('Abby');
panda.talk('hi'); //-> 'Abby says hi'
Language Features: Default Parameters
class Animal {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
alert(this.name + ' says ' + msg);
class Panda extends Animal {
talk(msg = 'hi') {
var panda = new Panda('Abby');
panda.talk(); //-> 'Abby says hi'
panda.talk('moo'); //-> 'Abby says moo'
Language Features: Arrow Functions
- Similar to C#/Java/CoffeeScript implementation.
- They support both expression and statement bodies
- Supports lexical this binding
- No constructors
Language Features: Arrow Functions
// ES5
var x = function(x){
return x + 1
var x = function(x, y){
return {
x: x,
y: y
// ES6
let x = (x) => {
return x + 1 };
let x = (x,y) => ({
x: x,
y: y
Language Features: Iterators & Generators
- Iterators give us a new way to loop / iterate
- Generators are convenient way of creating iterator factories
Language Features: Iterators
// ES5
var arr = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
arr.forEach(function(r) {
// "a"
// "b"
// "c"
// ES6
var arr = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
for(let el of arr){
// "a"
// "b"
// "c"
Language Features: Generators
// ES5
function count(n){
var res = []
for (var x = 0; x < n; x++) {
return res
for (var x of count(5)) {
// ES6
function* count(){
for (var x = 0; true; x++) {
yield x
for (var x of count()) {
Module Loaders
Package your code for easy injection!
Module Loaders
Most small projects, just load the script/css files in the html file.
Taking it a step further some people concat and compile to one file for optimization with things like Gulp and Grunt.
Module Loaders
Larger projects are hard to deal with because you typically have:
- Lots structure and organization
- Complex dependency structures
- Large download sizes
Module Loaders
AMD vs CommonJS vs ES6 Modules
AMD ( RequireJS )
Async Module Definition, non-blocking.
define(['jquery', 'angular'],
function($, angular){
return $('.zoo').text();
CJS ( Browserify & Webpack )
synchronous thus blocking but easy to read
var $ = require("jquery");
var angular = require("angular");
ES6 Modules
Async but easy to read :)
import $ from 'jquery';
import angular from 'angular';
ES6 Modules
// math.js
export function sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
export var pi = 3.141593;
// app.js
import {sum, pi} from "math";
alert("2π = " + sum(pi, pi));
// otherapp.js
import * as math from "math";
alert("2π = " + math.sum(math.pi, math.pi));
ES6 Modules
Soooo... When can I use this?
Transpilers turns ES6+ code into vanilla ES5, so you can use next generation features today.
Gulp and Grunt help to automate the trans-compiling tasks.
Gulp Example
gulp.task('es6', function () {
return gulp.src(path.source)
Module Loader Polyfill
SystemJS inside JSPM is a browser module loader system that supports all module formats including ES6.
ES6 Preso
By Austin McDaniel
ES6 Preso
- 1,746