Upper-Intermediate |
The Incident

Listening | Whose side is it?

  • Why did Vic and his wife take Neil to dinner?
  • How did the evening suddenly change?

Listening | Whose side is it?

  • What was the party like?
  • What did Daniela do at the party?
  • How did Hanuel act when Virginia  greeted her?
  • How did she act later at home?

Grammar |

Making deductions about the past.

  • What verb form comes after may have / could have / couldn't have?

Grammar |

Deductions about situation one

Grammar |

Brainstorm and speculate on incidents 2 and 3.

Reading | The other side of the story

  • Why did they act as they did?  How would you have felt in these situations? What would you have done?

Vocabulary | Describing Strong feelings

Speaking | Speculating on incidents in your past.

Do you agree with the speculations? Can you suggest other explanations?

Pronunciation | Word Stress on Prominent Words

Pronunciation | Describing Turning Points with Prominent Stress

Describe turning points in your life. It could include:

  • Someone important in your life
  • buying or selling something
  • a job or career decision
  • an idea you had
  • moving to a different place
  • advice someone gave you

Think about:

  • When it happened. What you were doing.
  • If it was your choice or not.
  • what happened afterwards, if it has affected your life now.
  • if something different could have happened.
  • how you feel about it now.

Upper-Intermediate | The Incident

By Adam Wyett

Upper-Intermediate | The Incident

  • 278