EAP Upper-Intermediate |
Interpreting and Presenting the Art Industry Trends

  • Can you identify these types of graphics?
  • Which type would you use to illustrate the following information, and why?:
    • Trends, e.g. the increase in e-commerce art sales over the past year
    • Location, e.g. where most art collectors are located
    • Raw data, e.g. the most important marketing channels by country and the click-through rate.
    • Proportion, e.g. the percentages of purchasing collectors by age group
    • Comparison, e.g. the preferred genre of contemporary art over time.
  • What is the point of using visuals in your presentation? Why are some diagrams not appropriate?
  • List what other types of diagrams exist. Which do you use/encounter in your papers / research?

Warm-up | Diagrams


Heat Maps

Stacked Bar Charts

Pictoral Chart

Venn Diagram

  • Which of these reasons do you agree with for using diagrams and data in your written texts and presentations? Which are pertinent, and which are not?
    1. An argument with diagrams can be more convincing than ones without.
    2. There are a lot of statistics available, and therefore we should use them in our writing.
    3. Visual information looks attractive on the page.
    4. Statistics in the form of visuals can express a lot of information clearly.
    5. If I use statistics in my work, it's because I want to give the impression I've done some research.
    6. Complicated diagrams  will make you look more intelligent, and that is why you are more convincing.
  • How much trust do you have in the accuracy of government statistics and data, especially in areas like economic growth, unemployment rates, and crime statistics?
  • In the age of "fake news" and misinformation, how can we ensure that data and statistics are used responsibly and truthfully in the media and public discourse?
  • To what extent should data and statistics influence decision-making in politics, education, your profession?

Warm-up | Diagrams

Warm-up | Describe this graph.

1) Reference  to the diagram and brief description of content

2)  detailed description or explanation of content

3) concluding statement

Warm-up | Features of a Description

  • Which verb refers to the diagram?
  • Which verb describes the content?
  • Which verb phrase makes a prediction?

Writing | Describing Trends

Writing | Describing Trends

Give a similar description for Kenya, Turkey or India.

1) an opening statement, 2) a broad description of the general trend, 3) a description of different parts of the graph, 4) a concluding statement including some evaluation.

Pre-Project | Artsy Trend Report
The key issues impacting galleries

True or False?

  • Online art sales are still as an important source of revenue today as during the pandemic for art galleries. Galleries regard gallery websites as more important marketing channels than in-person events or fairs.
  • Due to global economic and political uncertainties -- causing inflation and decreased buying power -- most art galleries have lowered their prices for artworks this year.
  • There is an increasing demand for artworks.
  • More established galleries have been able to adapt to the times and have been more able to appeal to younger artists and collectors.

EAP Upper-Intermediate | Art Industry Trends

By Adam Wyett

EAP Upper-Intermediate | Art Industry Trends

  • 242