
#foss.ntua @2014


An open source (GPL) web analytics platform that gives you valuable insights into your website’s visitors, your marketing campaigns and much more.


  • http://piwik.org
  • http://demo.piwik.org
  • http://piwik.org/docs
  • http://piwik.org/faq

openshift PAas

Red Hat's public cloud application development and hosting platform that automates the provisioning, management and scaling of applications.

Supported languages:

  • Java
  • Ruby
  • PHP
  • Node.js
  • Python
  • Perl

Getting started

two methods of creating an app

  1. Web UI

  2. rhc cli

WEb ui

Choose a type of application


We will choose the piwik cartridge:


Configure the application

Source code:


Hit Create Application

Configure piwik

  1. Add `phpmyadmin` cartridge
  2. Visit `phpmyadmin` to get DB url (ex.
  3. Copy DB credentials
  4. Visit new app url, follow instructions

Database Setup

Database Server
Database Name
Table Prefix

Further configuration

Use the more accurate

  1. Setup automatic updates of GeoIP databases
  2. Copy link to Location Database:
  3. Hit Save
  4. Refresh page
  5. Select 

Add a custom domain to Trusted Piwik Hostnames

  1. Settings -> General Settings -> Trusted Piwik Hostname
  2. Add your domain to Valid Piwik Hostname



Install the client tools

  1. ruby
  2. git
  3. rvm (optional)

Install globally:

sudo gem install rhc
gem update rhc

Setup your environment

$ rhc setup

Starting Interactive Setup for OpenShift's command line interface

We'll help get you setup with just a couple of questions.

To connect to openshift.redhat.com enter your OpenShift login (email or Red Hat login id):

install Piwik

rhc app create piwik php-5.4 mysql-5.5 --from-code=git://github.com/openshift/piwik-openshift-quickstart.git

Visit piwik

Visit your new piwik url and follow previous instructions

The end

Piwik on Openshift

By Achilleas Pipinellis

Piwik on Openshift

How to install piwik on Openshift

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