Dr. Gleb Bahmutov PhD

Kensho Boston / NYC



Language where equality == looks like this?

Language where < looks like this?


JavaScript - not just Netscape 

  • browser
  • server
  • mobile
  • embedded

source: StackOverflow

source: StackOverflow

clojure 19
haskell 21
ocaml   11
scala   105
elm     0
f#      16
erlang  21
idris   0

source: http://careers.stackoverflow.com/jobs?searchTerm=<language>  in February 2015

similar results from: http://www.sitepoint.com/whats-best-programming-language-learn-2015/

similar results when searching by company: http://careers.stackoverflow.com/companies?searchTerm=<language>

source: really? you don't know who these are?

Changing how JS developers program will have a huge impact on the software quality

in the world

Kensho financial analytics

Problem: code complexity is quickly growing

We need JavaScript to

  • be as clear as writing an English sentence (or clearer)
  • produce expected result
  • be simple to test
  • assemble complex logic from very simple parts

Use FP to implement Reactive Programming patterns

FP in JS

  • small pure functions
  • compose complex logic from simple steps
  • semi-performant async with promises
  • simple(r) data with immutable structures

reactive UI in JS

  • every user action is stream of events
  • every server action is stream of events
  • streams can be processed using standard operations

2 major parts

Dev team (otherwise smart people)

Everyone has their own path to JS

Everyone is different

  • 100% jQuery
  • 30% FP in JS
  • 25% OO in JS

! junior vs senior

  • 50% jQuery
  • 90% CSS
  • 5% OO in JS
  • 20% jQuery
  • 30% CSS
  • 75% OO in JS
  • 90% FP in JS

In theory


functional reactive programmer

In practice


functional reactive programmer








Here is my journey through the JS land

  • procedural
  • object-oriented
  • functional
  • abandon return values
  • immutable data
  • lazy evaluation
  • lazy async values
  • promises
  • event emitters
  • event emitters returning promises
  • chained event emitters
  • reactive streams

Possible shortcuts

  • procedural
  • object-oriented
  • functional
  • abandon return values
  • immutable data
  • lazy evaluation
  • lazy async values
  • promises
  • event emitters
  • event emitters returning promises
  • chained event emitters
  • reactive streams

Show me the code!


Problem: given an array of numbers, multiply each number by a constant and print the result.

var numbers = [3, 1, 7];
var constant = 2;
// 6 2 14

procedural / imperative JS

var numbers = [3, 1, 7];
var constant = 2;
var k = 0;
for(k = 0; k < numbers.length; k += 1) {
  console.log(numbers[k] * constant);
// 6 2 14
  • "for" loop is a pain to debug and use
  • mixing data manipulation with printing
    • code is hard to reuse
var numbers = [3, 1, 7];
var constant = 2;
var k = 0;
for(k = 0; k < numbers.length; k += 1) {
  console.log(numbers[k] * constant);
// 6 2 14

Start splitting code into procedures

var numbers = [3, 1, 7];
var constant = 2;

function mul(a, b) {
  return a * b;

function processNumber(n, constant) {
  console.log(mul(n, constant));

for(k = 0; k < numbers.length; k += 1) {
  processNumber(numbers[k], constant);
// 6 2 14

Make the code boring

Boring code does not surprise you

// for loops WILL surprise you
for(k = 0; k < numbers.length; k += 1) {
  processNumber(numbers[k], constant);

Boring code does not surprise you

// using "this" WILL surprise you
numbers.forEach(function process(n) {
  return this.mul(n, 2);

Boring code does not surprise you

// using non-local variables WILL surprise you
constant = 2;
numbers.forEach(function process(n) {
  return mul(n, constant);

Pure functions are boring

function mul(a, b) {
  return a * b;
function print(n) {

Boring functions make new boring functions

function mul(a, b) {
  return a * b;
var mulBy2 = mul.bind(null, 2);
var mul2by3 = mul.bind(null, 2, 3);
var print = console.log.bind(console, 'RESULT');

// RESULT 20
print(mul2by3(), mul2by3());
// RESULT 6 6


Produces new array

Passes each number through

a callback function


Returns nothing

Side effects


Produces new array

Passes only items for which the callback returns truthy value

Object-Oriented EcmaScript5


List -> single value

Reigns supreme

Built-in .forEach

var numbers = [3, 1, 7];
var constant = 2;

// use built-in Array.prototype.forEach
numbers.forEach(function (n) {
  processNumber(n, constant);
// 6 2 14
  • no more for-loop !

Object-oriented way

var numbers = [3, 1, 7];
var constant = 2;

function mul(a, b) {
  return a * b;
function print(n) {
numbers.map(function (n) {
  return mul(n, constant);

// 6 2 14
  • clear "multiply then print" semantics

A lot of our code

manipulates collections of data items

// OO (built-in)
Array.prototype.something(x, y)

// functional (user space)
Library.something(array, x, y)
Library.another(array, k);

2 of the top 3 most dependent upon NPM projects are FP utility libraries: underscore, lodash

var _ = require('lodash');
var byConstant = _.partial(mul, constant);
// 6 2 14
var _ = require('lodash');
    _.map(numbers, byConstant), 
// 6 2 14

Argument order

// OO (built-in)
Array.prototype.something(x, y)

// lodash / underscore
Library.something(array, x, y)

// Ramda
Library.something(x, y, array)
var R = require('ramda');
var mapByConstant = R.map(byConstant);
var printEach = R.forEach(print);
var algorithm = R.compose(printEach, mapByConstant);

// 6 2 14

1. compose algorithm

2. apply to data

3. profit!!!

_({ John: 3, Jim: 10 })
// 6 20

Treat objects same as collections


"Smart" objects

Pass data around


"Dumb" objects

"Smart" pipeline

Pass code (functions) around

new NumberMultiplier()
    .add(3, 1, 7)
_([3, 1, 7])
    .map(_.partial(mul, 2))
new NumberMultiplier()
    .add(3, 1, 7)
_([3, 1, 7])
    .map(_.partial(mul, 2))

It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than to have 10 functions operate on 10 data structures."

                                  - Alan J. Perlis

Skip: Transducers

composable algorithmic transformations

Read the intro

Say "Goodbye" to old friends

Tell return values Bye-bye

// imperative code
var sum = add(2, 3);
// can use sum right away!

var multiplied = [1, 2, 3].map(mul);
// can use multiplied array right away!

var _ = require('lodash');
var byConstant = _.partial(mul, constant);
// we have not returned any values!

Tell middle functions Bye-bye

var byConstant = _.partial(mul, constant);
  .map(function (x) {
    return byConstant(x);
  .forEach(function (x) {
// no middle functions

Tell side-effects Bye-bye

var byConstant = _.partial(mul, constant);
  .forEach(function (x, k, array) {
    array[1] = 10000;

with immutable data structures

Tell side-effects Bye-bye

'use strict';
var immutable = require('seamless-immutable');
var byConstant = _.partial(mul, constant);
  .forEach(function (x, k, array) {
    array[1] = 10000; // throws an Error

with immutable data structures

Efficient immutable JS library mori

Lazy evaluation

var _ = require('lodash');
// lodash v3.x.x

var byConstant = _.partial(mul, constant);
// avoid intermediate arrays
// 6
// 2

Lazy async eval

var lazy = require('lazy.js');
  .async(1000) // 1000ms = 1 sec
// 2
// 1 second later
// 6
// 1 second later
// 14


var Q = require('q');
    .then(function onSuccess(result) { ... },
          function onFailure(error) { ... })

A single async action with a single result or error


var Q = require('q');
function asyncMul(a, b) {
  return Q(a * b).delay(1000);
var byConstantAsync = _.partial(asyncMul, constant);
var promiseToMulNumber = function (n) {
  return byConstantAsync(n);

// sleeps 1 second
// then prints [6, 2, 14]

Promise chain

function asyncMul(a, b) {
  return Q(mul(a, b))
var sleep1 = _.partial(Q.delay, 1000);

  .then(_.partial(byConstantAsync, numbers[0]))
  .then(_.partial(byConstantAsync, numbers[1]))
  .then(_.partial(byConstantAsync, numbers[2]))
// ... 6 ... 2 ... 14

Promise chain

function asyncMul(a, b) {
  return Q(mul(a, b))
var sleep1 = _.partial(Q.delay, 1000);

var mulAndPrint = function (n) {
  return function () {
    return sleep1()
        .then(_.partial(byConstantAsync, n))

  .reduce(Q.when, Q())
// ... 6 ... 2 ... 14

Extra complexity

function asyncMul(a, b) {
  return Q(mul(a, b))
var sleep1 = _.partial(Q.delay, 1000);

var mulAndPrint = function (n) {
  return function () {
    return sleep1()
        .then(_.partial(byConstantAsync, n))

  .reduce(Q.when, Q())
// ... 6 ... 2 ... 14

Promises handle single event

Extra complexity trying to handle sequence of events

function asyncMul(a, b) {
  return Q(mul(a, b))
var sleep1 = _.partial(Q.delay, 1000);

var mulAndPrint = function (n) {
  return function () {
    return sleep1()
        .then(_.partial(byConstantAsync, n))

  .reduce(Q.when, Q())
// ... 6 ... 2 ... 14

Event Emitters

  • handle repeated events

  • decouple the event source

from an action

// action
var events = require('events');
var numberEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
    _.compose(print, byConstant)

// async event source
      _.bind(numberEmitter.emit, numberEmitter, 'number')
// prints 6, 2 14 with 1 second intervals
// action
var events = require('events');
var numberEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
    _.compose(print, byConstant)

// async event source
      _.bind(numberEmitter.emit, numberEmitter, 'number')
// prints 6, 2 14 with 1 second intervals

Everything but marked lines is boilterplate

function source(list) {
  var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
      _.bind(eventEmitter.emit, eventEmitter, 'step')

  return {
    on: function (cb) {
      eventEmitter.on('step', cb);
  .on(_.compose(print, byConstant));
// prints 6, 2 14 with 1 second intervals

Decouple action

function source(generate) {
  var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
    _.bind(eventEmitter.emit, eventEmitter, 'step')

  return {
    on: function (cb) {
      eventEmitter.on('step', cb);

var generator = lazy(list).async(1000);
source(_.bind(generator.each, generator))
  .on(_.compose(print, byConstant));
// prints 6, 2 14 with 1 second intervals

Decouple generator

var generator = lazy(list).async(1000);
source(_.bind(generator.each, generator))
  .on(_.compose(print, byConstant));

Just the user code

Widely used in browser code

  • UI events 
  • Window communication 
  • Websockets communication 
$(el).on('click', action)

window.onmessage = action

socket.on('message', action)

We just extended the same approach to any event generator (like number sequence)

Are we overcomplicating things?

// sync event generation
// sync action
// any event generation
// async action

Our emitter has `on`

  1. What is the semantic meaning of `on`?
  2. How do we connect multiple steps?

Remember Array ES5 methods?

[3, 1, 7]

I want this!

source of events
  .map(an async callback)
  .forEach(another async callback);

Chained emitters

var stepEmitter = {

  map: function (cb) {
    var emitter = new events.EventEmitter();
    this.on('step', function (value) {
      var mappedValue = cb(value);
      emitter.emit('step', mappedValue);
    return _.extend(emitter, stepEmitter);

  forEach: function (cb) {
    var emitter = new events.EventEmitter();
    this.on('step', function (value) {
      emitter.emit('step', value);
    return _.extend(emitter, stepEmitter);
// returns stepEmitter = event emitter + stepEmitter methods
function source(list) {
  var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
    .each(_.bind(eventEmitter.emit, eventEmitter, 'step'));

  return _.extend(eventEmitter, stepEmitter);

// each step returns s new stepEmitter
// prints 6, 2 14 with 1 second intervals
var stepEmitter = {
  // same map and forEach methods as above

  // returns a new step emitter that accumulates N items
  // emits the entire array with N items as single argument
  buffer: function (n) {
    var received = [];
    var emitter = new events.EventEmitter();
    this.on('step', function (value) {
      if (received.length === n) {
        emitter.emit('step', received);
        received = [];
    return _.extend(emitter, stepEmitter);
// sleeps 3 seconds then prints [6, 2, 14]
  .map(byConstant) // data transform
  .buffer(3)       // sequence control
  .forEach(print); // data transform

We implemented 2 types

of operations

on a sequence of events

Need extra methods to control the sequence

.map, .filter
// vs

Skip: Node streams

Take a look at Highland.js

Each high level "event" can be a sequence of low-level built-in "events"

Reactive programming

  • Everything is a source of asynchronous events.
  • Your code is a pipeline reacting to one or more input streams and outputting another stream

Use a reactive FP library

var Rx = require('rx');

var timeEvents = Rx.Observable
  .timeInterval(); // stream 1

var numberEvents = Rx.Observable
  .fromArray(numbers); // stream 2

Rx.Observable.zip(timeEvents, numberEvents, 
                  function pickValue(t, n) { return n; })
  .subscribe(print); // stream 3

// prints 6 2 14 with 1 second intervals

Decoupled time from numbers

var timeEvents = Rx.Observable

var numberEvents = Rx.Observable

Rx.Observable.zip(timeEvents, numberEvents, 
                  function pickValue(t, n) { 
                    return n; 

User events

var clickEvents = Rx.Observable
  .fromEvent(document.querySelector('#btn'), 'click')

var numberEvents = Rx.Observable

Rx.Observable.zip(clickEvents, numberEvents, 
                  function pickValue(whatever, n) { 
                    return n; 
function searchWikipedia (term) {
    return $.ajax({
        url: 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php',
        dataType: 'jsonp',
        data: {
            action: 'opensearch',
            format: 'json',
            search: term
var keyups = Rx.Observable.fromEvent($('#input'), 'keyup')
    .map(function (e) {
        return e.target.value;
    .filter(function (text) {
        return text.length > 2;

    .subscribe(function (data) {
        // display results

Reactive JS libraries

  • collection processing methods (map, filter, ...)
  • stream control methods (zip, flatMapLatest, ...)

From procedural to RFP

  • Reuse small pure functions
  • Single async event using promises
  • Async event streams using reactive

Kensho progress report

object-oriented        **             2 /10
functional             ********       8 /10
immutable data         **             2 /10
lazy evaluation        *              1 /10
promises               *********      9 /10
event emitters         *******        7 /10
reactive streams       *              1 /10

Future is bright

  • All examples shown use today's ES5 standard
  • ES6 (EcmaScript2015) will make some pieces simpler
    • arrow notation
    • block-scoping
    • spread operator
    • native Promises
    • binding context in callbacks

Journey from procedural to reactive JavaScript with stops

By Gleb Bahmutov

Journey from procedural to reactive JavaScript with stops

How do we convince / train developers used to imperative programming style to switch to functional or even reactive programming? I show the same example implemented in multiple styles to highlight the advantages one would get by going from imperative to object-oriented, functional, lazy evaluation, promise-based, event emitters, and finally reactive approach. The short examples are in JavaScript - the most widely used functional language today.

  • 8,601