
This type of government has many characteristics, ‘political freedom’ is one of them. Rule of law and legal equality are also characteristics. The president has authority but so does the people, making it a better united country, giving us some say in the matter. The people, sadly, don't have as much control though. The government still controls many things.

Charactersitics and Authority

How are leaders chosen?

The leaders are chosen through vote, the people vote for who they want and the majority wins, it's relatively simple. There is a peaceful way to replace the leaders, if he or she wins the vote and becomes President they get 4 years in office. After their 4 years are up they retire, probably stupid rich and swimming in money, going about their lives. No one has to be *removed* for there to be a new ruler.

*No one needs to be killed

Do they follow the same rules?

Technically the leaders should follow the rules, but they think that it doesn't apply to them. In all honesty can you blame them? All that money, you don't want to have to pay taxes, but just because your the 'President' it shouldn't give you special privileges. In the end they are still just human, like everyone else. So what gives them the right to think they are better? They should be bound by the constitution to follow the same rules. Is there some kind of loop hole that we missed, or are they just acting like children, holding their goods and not sharing information with us? It would be amazing if we had answers, but we don't and it keeps us in the dark. Blindly following orders until we elect a new follower.


Examples of this type of government

The United States of America is a good example and so is Mexico. In Mexico the government is similar to the U.S, they have a president just like we do. Electing a president in Mexico is by parallel voting; a mixed voting system. Mexico's voting system is good, if not greater than America's, if you compare them. America's is a bit of a mess and it's more likely to have fraud. Mexico didn't always have a great voting system. It was full of scandals from head to toe, then finally they decided to change it. Now they have non-temperable photo ID's and finger printed machines. It may be a poor country but it allows everyone to vote! I feel that America could use a little upgrade, but I suppose nobody wants change.


The economic system is the U.S. is a capitalist mixed economy, it’s fueled by abundant natural resources.  You may be wondering why Mexico is not as wealthy as the United States. Even thought they have the same government, parts of Mexico are corrupt and most parts don't practice capitalism (even though some parts do). Mexico is corrupt because it's people aren't trusting the government and this is leading to violence. Some statements have been made that the police force has tortured and abducted people to get answers/money for the government. It's seriously impure and corrupt. 

The pros of a capitalist economy are political freedom, it’s more efficient because of demands for goods. The cons of a capitalist economy are private ownership, (monopoly power, allows people to raise prices on everything!) ignoring things like pollution caused by factories. 

Things I learned

I discovered many interesting things about this type of govt. I think it’s really cool and to be honest the pros outweigh the cons (in my opinion). I found it interesting that the U.S. has a capitalist economy, I didn’t know that before today! I learned that we have a capitalist country and that other countries use different types of voting systems.



By Bailey Tuss


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