3D Infrastructure for the Internet

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Specular Strength



Configurator and Data Exporter

Next to generating images the Designtex automatically integrates (through an API) a 3D viewer and various data exports (tileable image, thumbnail etc) into their website. This demonstrates the true value of the ecosystem: all of the content on the Designtex webpage is done through the colormass Platform. Previously Designtex used threekit.

Scaling image production

Prior to the ecosystem Designtex has created ca. 100-150 images a month. Since the integration of the ecosystem this number grew to 500 images a month. Which means that Designtex saw a ca. 4x increase in production of images while simultaneously reducing costs.


Maharam integrated the configurator to selected ranges. It is live since January 2023 on 20+ ranges and has been viewed more than 600.000 times in the first 6 months. Previously maharam used Cylindo.

Switching image generation

Maharam started using the complete ecosystem and the marketing for the April launch was prepared using entirely the colormass platform. As the result of the success of the ecosystem the same tools are now being rolled out to two further brands of MillerKnoll: Knoll, Edelman (exchanging existing configurators and image generation tools.)

Scanning Dashboard

Tiling Toolset

Material Edit and Export

Level 2: High-Quality 3D-Vendors (Image Pricing)

Level 1: No 3D

Level 3 (Ecosystem): High-Quality Self-Service (Flat Fee)

Level 2.5: In-House 3D-Team (Budget for a Team)

Level 1.5: Low-Quality 3D-Vendors (Image Pricing)

E-commerce imagery

Presentation (Scanning)

By barlaib

Presentation (Scanning)

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