3D Infrastructure for the Internet

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Scanning Dashboard





Specular Strength



Tiling Toolset

Material Edit and Export

Configurator and Data Exporter

Next to generating images the Designtex automatically integrates (through an API) a 3D viewer and various data exports (tileable image, thumbnail etc) into their website. This demonstrates the true value of the ecosystem: all of the content on the Designtex webpage is done through the colormass Platform. Previously Designtex used threekit.

Scaling image production

Prior to the ecosystem Designtex has created ca. 100-150 images a month. Since the integration of the ecosystem this number grew to 500 images a month. Which means that Designtex saw a ca. 4x increase in production of images while simultaneously reducing costs.

Level 2: High-Quality 3D-Vendors (Image Pricing)

Level 1: No 3D

Level 3 (Ecosystem): High-Quality Self-Service (Flat Fee)

Level 2.5: In-House 3D-Team (Budget for a Team)

Level 1.5: Low-Quality 3D-Vendors (Image Pricing)

E-commerce imagery

Presentation (Scanning - Apparel)

By barlaib

Presentation (Scanning - Apparel)

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