Web Design 320
End of Week 3
What was our syllabus topic?
"Students will be taught how to create graphics for the Web using image manipulation tools"
What did you do?
- Took screenshots, resized and cropped images
- Created a pen with 5 images of various proportions for comparison
- Created a HTML5 image mock-up using semantic elements
- Posted 524 messages in Slack (public, private, dm)
- Read articles, watched videos, conducted additional research, reviewed each other's blog posts
What did you learn?
- Pixels, image sizes, and percentages
- Screenshots, resizing, and cropping
- The idea of formats and compression
- The basic tags and structure necessary to display images and control their placement
- How to break down a webpage into its corresponding HTML5 semantic elements
- The concept of an endless image stream as it relates to society and the web
- CSS that controls typography may or may not be applicable to images
Articles and links
- youtu.be/PPe20QQ6UdM
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL3h5xns6DM
- youtu.be/tilUeD_vdGo
- www.makeuseof.com/tag/easy-ways-resize-photos-mac/
- windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/resize-a-picture-using-paint
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXUHeenLAtM
- thesiteslinger.com/blog/do-we-still-slice-psds/
- www.w3schools.com/html/html5_semantic_elements.asp
- www.impressivewebs.com/targeting-html5-css/
- medium.com/@mhkt/as-we-become-cameras-ac142f9a8bb5#.5u7eim11g
Where is the webpage?
005 Web Design 320 Summer 2016
By benbakelaar
005 Web Design 320 Summer 2016
End of Week 3
- 628