Web Design 320
Start of Week 6
What is our syllabus topic?
"Give students exposure to some of the more traditional issues of information design. Students will get exposure to common usability and aesthetic design techniques."
What will you do?
- Understand the difference between user experience and design
- Review and discuss a lot of infographics about basic design principles
- Redesign a website check-out process
- Design a one page site based on content only
- Participate in Slack conversations with the entire class and with your group
- Decide on your final project
What is design?
Planning or drawing.
What is user experience?
Research or testing.
I encountered the difference between design and user experience this weekend while assembling some patio furniture...
A classic user experience vs. design meme
research methods and techniques
planning and drawing
Who's on top? Who owns the space?
- Web design is part of the web development process
- BUT Design is part of the user experience process
- BUT User experience could be part of the design process
- SO MAYBE Development is part of the web design process
- OR MAYBE they are just all related, overlapping spheres of activity
Iteration is the key to design
Your first design feels beautiful, but it's not perfect. Throw it away. Your second design is only slightly better. Throw it away. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
008 Web Design 320 Summer 2016
By benbakelaar
008 Web Design 320 Summer 2016
Start of Week 6
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