Week 3 TA Review


  • Week 4 preview: Cerebral White Matter and the Cerebral Cortex
  • Week 3 review: Forebrain Topography and Functional Levels and the Basal Ganglia
  • Q&A

Week 4 Preview

3D model walk through

Which structures do you struggle to identify?

Functional Area


What occurs when it’s damaged?

Primary Motor Cortex

Discrete contralateral movements

Paralysis or paresis

Premotor Cortex

Planning of complex movements

Motor apraxia

Prefrontal Cortex – Dorsolateral Region

Concentration, planning, judgment, problem solving

Loss of concentration, initiative, responsibility, judgment and foresight

Prefrontal Cortex – Orbitofrontal Region

Social behavior and emotion

Abnormal social behavior,

unstable emotions

Broca’s Area

Speech production

Expressive aphasia (nonfluent aphasia)

Primary Somatosensory Cortex

Contralateral sensation (touch and proprioception)

Anesthesia (loss of general sensation)

Parietal Association Cortex

Somatic and Visual Processing

Astereognosis, asomatognosia,

neglect syndrome

Primary Visual Cortex


Contralateral homonymous hemianopsia

Visual Association Cortex

Complex visual perception, understanding what is seen

Visual agnosia

Primary Auditory Cortex


Inability to localize sound

Wernicke’s Area

Understanding speech

Receptive aphasia (fluent aphasia)

Temporal Association Cortex

Long-term memory,

Recognition of objects and faces

Anomia, prosopagnosia

Can you fill in the blank?

Label the structure

Label the structure

Label the structure

Label the structure

Label the structure

Label the structure

Label the structure

Label the structure

Label the structure

Week 3 Review

Warm-up Exercises

Atlas Cruise

In Brain Atlas, select the coronal view. Starting in the frontal lobes and progressing posteriorly, find the first slice to capture:

  • Putamen
  • Caudate
  • Globus Pallidus (medial or lateral?)
  • Hypothalamus (which region are you looking at?)
  • Subthalamus (where is the nucleus?)
  • Thalamus
  • Substantia nigra
  • Internal capsule (anterior and posterior limb)
  • External capsule
  • Claustrum
  • Extreme capsule

Can you do it in a sagittal orientation? What about axial?

Fact Quiz



The following questions are multiple choice. The answer options will be hidden at first. Try to answer the question without seeing the options first.

  1. Bradykinesia, Parkinson's Disease
  2. Dyskinesia, Huntington's Disease
  3. Akinesia, Parkinson's Disease
  4. Chorea, Huntington's Disease

_________, a term describing slow movement, is a common symptom of _________.

  1. Bradykinesia, Parkinson's Disease
  2. Dyskinesia, Huntington's Disease
  3. Akinesia, Parkinson's Disease
  4. Chorea, Huntington's Disease

_________, a term describing rapid and jerking movements in the distal limbs, is a common symptom of _________.

  1. putamen
  2. globus pallidus
  3. subthalamic nucleus
  4. caudate nucleus

The _________ is responsible for inhibiting excitatory neurons in the thalamus, preventing unwanted movement.

  1. Chorea
  2. Athetosis
  3. Ballismus
  4. Tics

Which of the following terms describes limb movements due to contraction of proximal muscles?

Symptom Parkinson's Huntington's

Match the symptom with the disease.

Specimen/Image Quiz

Label this structure

Label the structure

Label the structure

Label the region

Label the structure

Label the structure

Label the structure


Week 3 Review

By Ben Carter

Week 3 Review

Review of Forebrain Topography and Functional Levels and the Basal Ganglia a Preview of Cerebral White Matter and the Cerebral Cortex for Neuro 360

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