• Attention and Task Swithing

  • Introduction to R

  • Modeling the Reading the Brain

    fMRI study design; FIRE-fMRI; fMRI analysis

  • Accountability Assingment

    This slide deck presents a discussion of how to effectively complete the Accountability Assignment by instructing students on how to create goals and plans in the setting of their internship in conjunction with their site supervisor.

  • How Reliable is CBF?

    Neurovascular changes are the foundation of fMRI. But how reliable a marker is it?

  • Intro to Psych 399R/496R

    This deck gives an overview of the Academic Internship and capstone courses offered in the BYU Psychology Department.

  • Week 10 TA Review

    Week 10 (Special Senses - Auditory, Vestibular, Visual, Gustatory and Olfactory Systems); Week 11 (Limbic and Visceral Systems)

  • Week 9 TA Review

    Week 9 Review (the Somatosensory System); Week 10 (Special Senses - Auditory, Vestibular, Visual, Gustatory and Olfactory Systems)

  • Week 8 TA Review

    Week 8 Review (the Cerebellum) and Week 9 Preview (the Somatosensory System)

  • Week 7 TA Review

    Week 7 Review (Upper Motor Neurons); Week 8 Preview (the Cerebellum)

  • Week 7 Preview - Upper Motor Neurons

    Preview of the pyramidal system and brainstem motor centers for Neuro 360

  • Exam 1 Review

    A review deck for the Neuro 360 midterm exam

  • Week 4 Review

    Review of Cerebral White Matter and the Cerebral Cortex and Preview of Lower Motor Neurons for Neuro 360

  • Week 3 Review

    Review of Forebrain Topography and Functional Levels and the Basal Ganglia a Preview of Cerebral White Matter and the Cerebral Cortex for Neuro 360

  • Week 2 Review

    Review of Brainstem Topography and a preview of Forebrain Topography and Functional Levels and the Basal Ganglia for Neuro 360

  • Reading in the brain

    This presentation will give a short overview of how the human brain reads text.

  • Tips and tricks for Neuro 360

    This offers a discussion of the basics of memory and how to leverage these principles when learning neuroanatomy.

  • Week 1 Review

    Review of Cerebrospinal Fluid System & Spinal Cord. Preview of Brainstem topography and Functional Levels

  • fMRI 6 – The Command Line

    These slides will give a basic introduction to command line computing and a few of the commands used for navigation, as well as a simplified for loop.

  • fMRI 5 – The Hemodynamic Response

    These slides will cover basic science underlying the hemodynamic response and its measurement using T2* fMRI.

  • fMRI 4 – Contrast and Acquisition

    These slides will cover basic physics principles required to understand signal contrast and acquisition in fMRI experiments.

  • Lab 12

    Z00L-2425 Renal physiology

  • Lab 11

    Z00L-2425 Respiratory physiology

  • fMRI 3 - Signal Generation

    These slides will cover basic physics principles required to understand signal generation and acquisition in fMRI experiments.

  • fMRI 2 – Experimental Design & Ethics

    Experimental Design & Ethics – this corresponds to chapters 9 and 14 of Huettel et al., 2014 and Kazdin, chapter 5.

  • Lab 8

    Cardiac Physiology

  • Lab 7

    Skeletal Muscle Physiology

  • fMRI 1 – Course Introduction

    These are the introductory slides to the fMRI for undergrads class.

  • Lab 6

    Sensory Physiology

  • Lab 5 - Action Potentials & Neurons

  • Lab 4 - Diffusion & Osmosis

  • Lab 3 - Enzymes

  • Lab 2

    pH & Buffers

  • Lab 10

    Z00L-2425 ECG and Blood Pressure

  • How to learn

    A quick overview of how to go about learning while in college.

  • Lab 9

    Z00L-2425 Hematology

  • ZOOl-2425 Intro & Lab 1

    Introductory Lecture for Human Physiology Lab, ZOOL-2425

  • Reading in the Literate Ape

    Variations in the hemodynamic response associated with saccadic eye-movements during reading.