Signal Generation


The purpose of this discussion is to give you a basic understanding of the underlying physics of MRI signal generation and acquisition.


  • Be able to explain how a signal is generated during an MRI study.

Signal Generation

Nuclear Spin

  • Spin - the magnetic moment and angular momentum of a proton caused by electrical current on a proton.
  • Lamour frequency - the rate at which charge "rotates" across a proton.
    • Atom specific
  • Precession - the gyroscopic motion of a spinning object.

Spin in an external magnetic field

  • The axis of precession will align with any external magnetic field.
  • Parallel state – a low energy state. The axis is in alignment with the external magnetic field.
  • Antiparallel state – a high energy state. The axis is in an opposing alignment (not perpendicular) with the external magnetic field.

Magnetizing a spin system

  • MRI does not measure individual protons (otherwise I could do far more with it!).
  • MRI measures the net magnetization (M) of matter in a defined space.
  • M is a vector with two components:
    • longitudinal – parallel and antiparallel to M.
    • transverse – perpendicular to M.
  • Transverse component cancels out.
  • Longitudinal can be measured as the proportion of all parallel and antiparallel spins.


  • An electromagnetic pulse is applied to matter in an external magnetic field.
  • Protons absorb that energy.
  • The ratio of parallel to antiparallel protons changes.
    • A 90° pulse results in a 1 to 1 ratio.
    • A 180° pulse results in a ratio favoring the antiparallel state.
  • When the pulse stops, protons release electromagnetic energy (called relaxation) and return to their previous orientation.


  • Relaxation – protons return to their original orientation after the excitation pulse has ended.
    • Transverse relaxation – the loss of magnetization perpendicular to the magnetic field.
      • T2 decay – a time constant describing transverse relaxation related to spin-spin differences.
      • T2* decay – a time constant describing transverse relaxation resulting from spin-spin differences and local inhomogeneities in the magnetic field.
    • Longitudinal relaxation – the return of net magnetization parallel to the magnetic field.
      • T1 – a time constant describing the the recovery of the longitudinal component of net magnetization.
  • These time constants are used to determine when an MR signal is recorded and affect image contrast.

fMRI 3 - Signal Generation

By Ben Carter

fMRI 3 - Signal Generation

These slides will cover basic physics principles required to understand signal generation and acquisition in fMRI experiments.

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