Day 1

ZOOL 2425

Do you have your lab manual?


Introduce yourselves

Ideas for lab group intro's:

  • Name
  • Home town
  • What you wish you did over the break.
  • Hopes and aspirations

The Carters

Typical Agenda

  • Questions/Review - 10 minutes
  • Quiz - 20 minutes
  • Lab - 1.5-2 hours
  • Review Lab Material/Q&A
  • Prep for next week

Course Syllabus

And some thoughts on this course

Course Purpose

  • The purpose of this course is simple:
    • Demonstrate the governing principles that enable human life through the use of effective model systems, simulations, experimentation, and discussion
    • Give students the knowledge, skills and confidence to predict the function of and manipulate physiological systems to meet specific goals in conjunction with a team of colleagues
    • Prepare students for a more in depth study of physiology as they prepare to be researchers and health care providers.

Primary Learning Outcomes

  • By the end of this course students should:
    • Know the basic laws by which human physiology is governed.
    • Be adept at working in a team to both learn and explore principles that are difficult to understand and support each other in the investigative process.
    • Have confidence in their understanding of human physiology.

Learning Assessments/Graded Assignments

  • Weekly Lab Reports
  • Weekly Quizzes
  • Lab Final

Lab Reports

  • Due at the beginning of each class before the quiz.
  • Completed as a group, everyone turns in an individual copy.
  • One lab per group is selected and graded at random and everyone gets that grade.
  • When studying from the lab please refer to the lab report that was graded.
  • One is dropped.
  • If you start slacking-off I will grade your lab individually.

Tests and Quizzes

  • Quizzes
    • There are a total of 11
    • One is dropped
    • 12 questions per quiz
  • Final Exam
    • 120 points

My contact information

  • Contact me through the Canvas Page or email.
  • Email:
  • Office hours: by request
  • Office: This lab

Safety Review

A word about clothing

  • Chemical resistant goggles (UVEX 9301 or Stealth).
  • Closed toe shoes
  • No visible skin from clavicle to ankles.
  • Sheer clothing ≠ coverage.
  • Torn jeans ≠ coverage.

How to Study

What is cramming?

Massed study at the last minute prior to a quiz, test, exam or other graded assignment.

This course


Spacing effect

The finding that for a given amount of study time, temporally separate presentations yield better learning than massed presentation.

Use the Lab Manual

  • The day of or day after lab, for the next lab:
    • Read the lab objectives
    • Read pre-lab reading
  • 2+ days before lab: read the lab introduction.
  • Before class: read the lab procedures.

Make Flash Cards

Use Lab reports

  • Use objectives
  • Definitions
  • Bold terms
  • Equations/equilibriums
  • Conceptual questions

Also use the Final Exam Study Guide on Canvas today!

Study your flash cards for 20-30 minutes every day.

Review the Quizzes

They are available for review after all sections have taken them.

Hypothetical Study Schedule

  1. Day of Lab
    1. Do Pre-reading for next lab
    2. Make flash cards
    3. Review last quiz
  2. Day after lab
    1. Do/finish 1.1-1.2
    2. Review flash cards
  3. Review flash cards
  4. Review flash cards
  5. Read lab introduction, make additional flash cards
  6. Review flash cards
  7. Read lab procedure, Review flash cards
  8. Lab Day

Safety Quiz

Open note/neighbor

Start Lab 1

Core Principles

For next week:

pH & Buffers lab

  • Wear goggles, closed-toe shoes, and long pants.
  • Read the lab procedures
  • Study:
    • Stanfield pages 496-499, 554-560
    • Silverthorn pages 41, 45, 642-643
  • If you have time: Putnam, Optimizing Learning in College, 2016 (on Canvas in Files).

ZOOl-2425 Intro & Lab 1

By Ben Carter

ZOOl-2425 Intro & Lab 1

Introductory Lecture for Human Physiology Lab, ZOOL-2425

  • 520