A Digital Badge Primer

What are they?

Unlike a for-credit college course, a digital badge is an example of "microcredentialing."


It communicates a specific piece of knowledge or skill that you have.

For Example

If you successfully complete the quiz associated with the "My First Badge" badge, you can show that you can use the Badges@MIT platform.

What do badges communicate?

Again, badges show that you know a specific piece of information or can perform a task. You can earn badges for activities like creating a Drupal Cloud website, designing training, or writing a Knowlege Base article. The sky is really the limit.


Who else is using badges?


Khan Academy



among many others...

What do I do with them?

Share them! Other users of the Badges@MIT system will see the badges you have earned.


You can also share badges on a public profile at Credly.com and on social networking sites. Start building your badge portfolio today!

A Digital Badge Primer

By Betzi Bateman

A Digital Badge Primer

A brief primer describing what digital badges are for the "My First Badge" badge.

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