
Beyond Dialectics

between Tradition and Innovation

"Indonesian" is a product of the 20th century and should be differentiated from the cultures that preceded it---the Pre-Indonesian.


We should be conscious that the art is a shadow of a society, even when this often lies far beyond the society itself.


Takdir & Malaka
in Gaung: Unpredictable Resonance

– Conrad Anker

  • Adiluhung (of high value)
  • Preservation
  • Identity
  • System and class

Tradition as Thesis

  • Practical values
  • Adaptation
  • Character
  • Problems and Progress

Innovation as Antithesis

  • Critical values
  • Investigation
  • Subject
  • Knowledge and Contribution

Amalgamation as Synthesis

Ilmu iku kalakone kanthi laku


True knowledge is obtained through one’s practice

In Practice: Knowledge

Pitch Estimate - Slendro & Pelog



Peak of Spectral Components


Peak of Spectral Components


Frequency (Hz) Ratio Interval (Cents) Modulo 1200 Remainder (Cents)
931.17 1.00 0 0
1845.14 1.98 1183 1183
2584.09 2.79 1770 570
2727.66 2.93 1861 661
2995.61 3.22 2024 824
3562.57 3.83 2325 1125
4333.95 4.65 2661 261
5633.60 6.05 3116 716







Memayu hayuning bawana


To contribute to the beauty of the world

In Practice: Contribution

  • Revaluating values?
  • Interpolation?
  • Jagad---Universum?
  • Analysis and synthesis?

[...] as Re-synthesis?

Sketch for A Thousand Weaverbirds

Interpolating the song of the weaverbirds...

...to the limited plates of the gamelan instrument?

What does the periodic structure of the classical piece Manyarsewu...

...has in common with the song of the weaverbirds?

Between the corporeality of nature...

...and the spirituality of the machine.

We have a lot of works to do


By Bilawa Respati


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