Brainstorm for our Final project

Team Cookies


Web Games?! 


Multeor is a multiplayer web game developed by Arjen de Vries and Filidor Wiese and designed by Arthur van 't Hoog. The idea of the game is to control a meteor crashing into earth. You score points by ensuring you leave the biggest trail of destruction. Up to eight players can connect to a single game simultaneously.

Multeor is written in plain JavaScript using HTML5 Canvas and backed with a Node.js server to manage the communications between the desktop and mobile devices using WebSockets.

Rather than using one of the many game libraries, Wiese built entirely from stratch. "We decided not to use a prefab game engine," he says, "which means rendering the graphics, detecting collisions, keeping track of entities and coding a particle system for the explosions. Not depending on a specific game engine was great fun: it gave us a lot of creative freedom and we definitely learned a lot because of it."


Web Games?! 


Cynics may say HTML5 is still playing catch-up to Flash in the gaming world, but it's finally getting closer to matching the smooth, arcade experiences gamers have been desperately pleading for.

One such game that demonstrates this is The Convergence, a JavaScript and HTML5 game that will remind retro-gaming fans of Super Mario Bros on the SNES.


Interactive Film?! 


The Trip is an interactive film with audio, powered entirely through HTML5 and JavaScript (with Flash nowhere to be seen). The complexity of the project proved challenging, as developer Otto Nascarella explains. He says, "Most of the difficulties we had during the development process were due to the lack of cross browser/devices consistency of HTML5 new technologies, so it was decided we'd 'recommend' Chrome for a better experience on desktops," he says.

"The JavaScript code uses jQuery for almost everything - even though I flirted with the possibilities of using Zepto - I wrote two plugins for jQuery, [used] TextBlur to animate blur on fonts using text-shadow, that did not get used the end, and also TextDrop, the one that is responsible for the typographic animations."


Interactive Film?! 



Peanut Gallery is a project from the Google Creative Lab. Valdean Klump, a producer at the Lab, explains the concept. "The Peanut Gallery is a Chrome experiment that lets users add intertitles to silent film clips by talking to their browser," he says.

"The technology behind it is Google's Web Speech API, a JavaScript API that lets developers integrate speech recognition into their web apps." The project does a good job of demonstrating the new - and very capable - Web Speech API, which displays live text updates as it tries to understand a human's speech.

"One of our favourite features of the API is that text updates in real time while you speak," Klump continues. "For example, if you say 'European Union' slowly, you can watch as the API begins by printing 'your' or 'year' and then corrects it to 'European Union'. "Another neat feature (for English speakers only at this point), is punctuation. Say 'question mark', 'exclamation point', 'comma', or 'period' and the API will insert the correct punctuation for you," adds Klump.


Data Visualization?! 


Violin is a project by developer Philip Roberts that sets out to represent the structure of a JavaScript application and how the pieces interact by graphing them and animating them when they are used. Roberts explains: "I love thinking about how we can visualise code. It can help us spot performance issues and bugs, or help us better understand - and be more creative - with our code."

Violin is his experiment in visualising JavaScript. It takes an application and draws a graph showing all of the objects and functions in the app. "What's really cool is that, as you interact with the application, the graph animates in real-time to show the creation of new objects and execution of functions," says Roberts.

He also used D3.js for the drawing of his graphs. "Violin automatically finds and rewrites code so that when functions are called they also update and animate the graph. This is nice as it means you don't have to change how your code is written - Violin does all that work for you! In the demo, I've used Backbone to write a simple to-do list style app, and the graph is drawn using D3.js," he adds.


Data Visualization?! 


Kafka’s Wound is a digital literary essay commissioned from Will Self by the London Review of Books which will be launched on The Space website, a new Arts Council initiative to promote the digital arts developed in partnership with the BBC. Will Self’s essay will be examining his personal relationship to Kafka’s work through the lens of the story ‘A Country Doctor’ (1919), and in particular through the aperture of the wound described in that story. Will Self’s initial view is that the wound embodies an aspect of the burgeoning ironic consciousness created in European culture by the experience of the First World War, and his essay will treat of Kafka’s particular forms of irony and absurdism.

I am working on an interesting project with Prof.Smith form History Department and I have lots of resources to build a similar digital edition for that project if you guys are intereted:)


By Bingyan Hu


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