Software Development Project

By Alpine Tech

Group 9





Engineering Team

Saugat Khadka

Project Lead

UN ID 17429437

Ritesh Phuyal

Senior Engineer

UN ID 17425082

Shiva Khatri

UI/UX Designer

UN ID 16418529 

Sudrishya Sen

Database Engineer

UN ID 17439845

Prakash Ahikari

Software Engineer

UN ID 17421483

Ranjit Shrestha

Embedded System Designer

UN ID 17421483

An opportunity to work on this project was provided to us by

Mr. Matthew Jones

Our development team would like to thank everyone who participated in the development process

Before we begin...

Cautionary Statement

And with this, I would like to start our formal presentation



  1. Present the website demo
  2. Present the KIOSK Demo
  1. Talk about all the pros and cons of the current and the proposed system
  2. Talk about what systems will be used and some comparable systems
  3. Reconfirm the designs and other constraints
  4. Provide the cost for the proposed system


Q/A session

With the supplied documents and the ample information, all of the stakeholders provided during the interview, our team concluded on the problem and the possible solution for Claybrook Zoo.

The Problem we found was

1. Lack of online presence (website)

2. Non-digital Record keeping

3. Manual ticketing

4. No Visitor interaction system (KIOSK)

Since its establishment in 1965, zoo's system has not changed much

The zoo is currently using paper-based system for all its record keeping needs

Important records like animal index are stored in paper forms. These records include information like animal name, id, arrival date, or any of it history.

There is always a high risk that these documents might be damaged easily

A new system in place like the KIOSK system and the website can make the data available and of use to general public too


In this new database system, all the information are sorted and made accessible and secure at the same time

Either from


On Site Servers

For the fact that zoo doesn't have enough technical human resource to manage an onsite servers and system



Microsoft Azure

Since speed is of our concern for this massive project, we have chosen this database application.

For all animal species within the zoo, the electronic catalogue will need to keep a record of the following essential data:

  • Species Name.
  • Animal “given” Name.
  • Date of Birth of Animal.
  • Gender.
  • Average Life Span (e.g. months/years).
  • Species Category/Classification.
  • Dietary Requirements.
  • Natural Habitat Description.
  • Global Population Distribution.
  • Date animal joined the zoo.
  • Typical animal dimensions (e.g. height, weight).

Specialist information for specific types of animal will also be included in the database

Ritesh Phuyal


Right now, Claybrook Zoo doesn't have a website

So, its online presence is a little to none

Compared to competitors, this is a huge disadvantage

Having a good website can drastically improve a lot of things

Better customer reach

Meaning new customers discover your zoo

Business owners

looking to partner with the zoo can find you easily

Your ticket booking

is made simpler and accessible through the internet

You can get more people informed and updated about your events, offers and your sponsorship schemes

Getting donation and sponsors is more effective

Looking at some site we can see the impression it makes on the visitor

Chester Zoo

Bristol Zoo

The paper-based animal index will be digitized and available through the website and the online database to all staffs and management. This way public can also see the share of updated information available to them at their leisure.

With the creation of the website,

They can receive weekly newsletters from your zoo and sign up for new offers and sponsorship.

 This not only increases the customer interaction but engages the young digital generation.

Online ticket booking is a great trend or in some way the norm nowadays. Moving to this shift is certain to benefit the zoo

The ticket booking system has been implemented into the website

If feasible, our team plans to make them the standard for the Claybrook zoo for issue on the site.

Online ticket booking as service


Besides that, online sponsorship method and payment system will be a added to the system

Our design team came up with several designs of the system which was reviewed by Mr. Mathew Jones previously.

Some improvements and addition have been carried out and system well thought out from the interaction with Mr. Jones.

Now the team would like to present the demo of the relevant system

Adhering to the color theme maintained by the zoo and its policies, following mockups have been finalized to be presented to the client


KIOSK Mockup

Any Questions?

Zoo Presentation

By bobodeux

Zoo Presentation

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