Web Accessibility


  • Types of Disabilities
  • Standards & Guidelines
  • Testing Tools & Techniques

Types of Disabilities

  • Visual Impairment
  • Motor/mobility disorders
  • Hearing impairments, deafness
  • Cognitive / Intellectual disabilities

Visual Impairment

  • Color blindness - affects 4.5% entire global population
  • Low Vision - 246M people, 4% of global population
  • Blindness - 39M people

Cognitive / Intellectual disabilities 

  • Dyslexia
  • Memory disorders
  • Motion sickness

Standars & Guidelines


  • label form elements
  • provide alternative text for non-text content
  • ensure color contrast meets minimum threshold
  • make link text descriptive
  • do not use color as the only indication of meaning
  • add captions to audio content

Content should be presented in more than one format

Image based content should always have textual alternative

If you have a video make sure it has caption or transcripts

Accessible button labels - confluence page

Testing Tools & Techniques

Testing workflow?

  • automated tests
  • keyboard navigation
  • Voiceover / Screenreader tests
  • Loop11 remote usability test

aXe tool

  • browser extension - DEMO
  • aXe-cli - screenshot:


aXe confluence

aXe-cli - confluence page

Tool - AccessLint

Automated and continuous web accessibility testing - (CircleCI integration so far)

Tool - Tenon.io

Ability to integrate its automated accessibility testing API into your development processes.

Using tab to navigate

In-Accessible buttons and events - confluence page

Check cnn.com mobile menu

Voiceover / Screenreaders

on Windows - NVDA - confluence page

on OSX - Voiceover

The Message

Catch Accessibility issues early.

At the core, accessibility testing will improve your applicaition and protect you from being compromising your User Experience


By Bálint Lendvai


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