Brady Doucette
Justin Fougere
Biology 11
June 16th, 2014


         I chose to pick my plants from the woods in my                             backyard. The woods are usually dry, but I collected my             leaves after it rained, so it was wet. There are trees from           my backyard, down about half a kilometer to the lake, so           so finding 5 different trees wasn't a very difficult task.

Apple Tree

Kingdom: Plantae

Phylum: Angiosperm

Class: Rosids

Order: Roseales

Family: Rosaceae

Genus: Malus (Midget Crap Apple, Sweet Crabapple)

Species: M. Domestica


  • There are more an 7,500 types of apple known to man
  • An apple is the 'Forbidden Fruit' eaten by Adam and Eve

Apple Tree


Kingdom: Plantae

Phylum: Anigiosperm

Class: Asterids

Order: Lamiales

Family: Lamiaceae

Genus: Ocimim (Lemon Basil, Holy Basil)

Species: O. Basilicum  


  • Basil is a very common used herb in the culinary arts
  • "Basil" comes from the Greek word for king.


Mountain Ash

Kingdom: Plantae

Phylum: Angiosperm

Class: Rosids

Order: Roseales

Family: Rosacaea

Genus: Sorbus (Whitebeams, Service Tree)

Species: S.aucuparia


  • The fruit of the Mountain Ash was once used to lure and capture birds
  • It's fruit can help prevent scurvy

Mountain Ash

Red Maple

Kingdom: Plantae


Class: Rosids

Order: Sapindales

Family: Sapindaceae

Genus:Acer (Sugar Maple, Japanese Maple)

Species: A. Rubrum  


  • Red Maples reach their maturity at 70-80 years
  • Dead leaves are toxic to horses, but three pounds worth is lethal to humans

Red Maple

Yellow Birch

Kingdom: Plantae

Phylum: Angiosperm

Class: Rosids

Order: Fagales

Family: Betulaceae

Genus: Betula (Chinese Dwarf Birch, Newfoundland Dwarf Birch)

Species: B. Alleghaniesis  


  • Used to make toothpicks
  • Bark is used in Mi'kmaq traditions such as basket weaving and quill art

Yellow Birch



By Brady Lee


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