COSMIC Procssing of Ionosphere Observables
Brian Breitsch
Radio Occultation (RO)
Constellation: Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate
- GPS RO receivers
4 antennas
- 2 limb-facing, 2 outward
- L1CA, L1/L2P tracking
4 antennas
- TIP (Tiny Ionosphere Photometer)
- measures radiative recombination emission (1356Å)
COSMIC Data Analysis and Archival Center
- processes COSMIC data
- stores data for COSMIC, CHAMP, MET/OP, SAC-C, TerraSAR-X, GPS/MET missions
- UCAR subsidiary
Raw Observables
- time (GPS seconds)
- precise ECI coordinates of LEO/GPS satellites
- ECI velocities of LEO/GPS satellites
- L1/L2 excess phase
Derived Observables
- geodetic location of perigee/tangency point
- azimuth angle of occultation plane
- calibrated TEC (TECU) below LEO orbit
- electron density profile (#/cm³)
- vertical TEC below (tec0) and above (tec1) LEO
- critical frequency at point of maximum electron density
Phase & TEC Calibration (mode 1)
(extensive outline of processing in `atec` documentation)
phase calibration--remove excess phase term due to ionosphere delay between LEO orbit altitude and GPS orbit altitude
Phase & TEC Calibration (mode 0)
Skips a-priori phase calibration and goes straight into reconstruction. Performs quasi-calibration during reconstruction.
TODO: I don't understand this yet...
Reconstruction (mode 1)
- electron density at orbit altitude is found by linear regression of the square of the calibrated TEC for the uppermost few kilometers of tangent point heights
- for the rest of the TEC profile, use TEC derived from calibrated L1/L2 phase difference
Reconstruction (mode 1 cont.)
We have a TEC profile for various tangent heights:
- perform spline interpolation (using square of TEC values) onto regular grid
- 300 heights between 50-800km
Reconstruction (mode 1 cont.)
Onion-Peeling method
- given electron density at orbit height
- compute electron density at grid heights
- assume spherical symmetry
- essentially a discretized version of 2D Abel transform
Reconstruction (mode 1 cont.)
Onion-Peeling method
- given electron density at orbit height
are weighting constants derived in (Syndergaard et al., 2004)
Reconstruction (mode 1 cont.)
weighting coefficients "spread" the contribution of TEC
Reconstruction (mode 1 cont.)
We now have an electron density profile for each grid height
- vertical TEC observable computed by integrating retrieved profile while ignoring negative values
Abel transform + spherical symmetry assumption
reconstructed electron density values at lower heights can be negative!
Syndergaard S., W. S. Schreiner, C. Rocken, D. C. Hunt, and K. F. Dymond. "Preparing for COSMIC: Inversion and Analysis of Ionospheric Data Products." Inversion and Analysis of COSMIC Ionospheric Data Products (2005)
Syndergaard, Stig, Robert E. Kursinki, and Benjamin M. Herman. "A Refractive Index Mapping Operator for Assimilation of Occultation Data." Monthly Weather Review 133
Algorithms for Inverting Radio Occultation Signals in the Ionosphere. 2006. CDAAC, UCAR, Boulder.
COSMIC Processing of Ionosphere Observables
By Brian Breitsch
COSMIC Processing of Ionosphere Observables
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