GPS Positioning Project

Brian Breitsch

The Qualitative Effect of Different GPS Errors

22 December 2017

Weekly Meeting:

3 Days:




5 Positioning Runs

Run 1: almanac satellite position, no corrections

Run 2: add satellite polynomial clock correction

Run 3: add broadcast ephemeris satellite position

Run 4: add Earth rotation

Run 5: add ionosphere correction

Run 6: add relativity clock correction

Run 7: add troposphere model


NIST in Boulder CO

Mean and Std. Dev. of Position Error W.R.T. NIST
198306.862319 87903.3409582
306677.949275 144048.622435
317618.840979 167605.02529

Run 1:

Mean and Std. Dev. of Position Error W.R.T. NIST
476.269661421 139.42641332
514.16263877 236.589305241
538.067343922 179.397460044

Run 2:

Mean and Std. Dev. of Position Error W.R.T. NIST
31.857384026 2.67559241651
35.6680459113 5.10833952819
35.3038141604 5.06924150551

Run 3:

Mean and Std. Dev. of Position Error W.R.T. NIST
16.1029948498 7.0111680845
14.5124822497 5.3320624913
14.3199561978 5.57533726682

Run 4:

Mean and Std. Dev. of Position Error W.R.T. NIST
9.10222529108 3.39538826706
9.22622136066 5.00421085165
9.52876064037 4.75633994423

Run 5:

Mean and Std. Dev. of Position Error W.R.T. NIST
6.42855753604 2.33638572349
7.01904929192 2.57073017294
6.49407752417 2.44271226774

Run 6:

Mean and Std. Dev. of Position Error W.R.T. NIST
2.53519978239 1.18857023451
3.07295406391 1.76199196065
2.74193467447 1.52215641891

Run 7:

Weekly-Seminar 2017-12-22

By Brian Breitsch

Weekly-Seminar 2017-12-22

GNSS positioning results after adding each individual correction.

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