Mega Detrending Part 1

Brian Breitsch

...advanced detrending for trendy detrenders

2018 March 23

Weekly Seminar:

What is detrending?

Removing what we don't care about.

Not removing the things we do care about.

Is that all there is to it... ?



We must remove and not remove at the same time.

Ascension Data

  • use fit to data difference
  • use SI as fit weighting function
  • apply fit technique
    • polyfit?
    • windowed polyfit?
    • Butterworth filter?
    • Solitzky-Golay filter?
    • spline filter
    • spline filter with custom knots
\Phi_\text{detr} = \Phi - G_\text{trend} - \frac{\kappa}{f^2}TEC_\text{trend} - c_\text{GIFC} \text{GIFC}_\text{trend}
Φdetr=ΦGtrendκf2TECtrendcGIFCGIFCtrend\Phi_\text{detr} = \Phi - G_\text{trend} - \frac{\kappa}{f^2}TEC_\text{trend} - c_\text{GIFC} \text{GIFC}_\text{trend}

So what's the problem with Hawaii?

Weekly-Seminar 2018-03-23

By Brian Breitsch

Weekly-Seminar 2018-03-23

Shows how to detrend triple-frequency GNSS data.

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