DNN dependency injection

Why and How

Brian Dukes



What is dependency injection?

Control Without Inversion

[SupportedModules("Engage: Sync")]
public class SyncController : DnnApiController
  public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Sync()
    using var context = new SyncContext();
    var service = new SyncService(context);
    var result = await service.Sync();
    return this.Request.CreateResponse(
      new { status = result.Status, count = result.Count });
# new Dependency()

Inversion of Control

[SupportedModules("Engage: Sync")]
public class SyncController : DnnApiController
  private readonly ISyncService syncService;

  public SyncController(ISyncService syncService)
    this.syncService = syncService;

  public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Sync()
    var result = await this.syncService.Sync();
    return this.Request.CreateResponse(
      new { status = result.Status, count = result.Count });
# Constructor

Property Injection

public class MenuPermissionAttribute : AuthorizeAttributeBase, IOverrideDefaultAuthLevel
  public ServiceScope Scope { get; set; }
  public string MenuName { get; set; }
  public string Exclude { get; set; }

  private IPersonaBarController PersonaBarController { get; set; }

  /// <inheritdoc/>
  public override bool IsAuthorized(AuthFilterContext context)
    var authenticated = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
    var portalSettings = PortalSettings.Current;
    var currentUser = UserController.Instance.GetCurrentUserInfo();

    var isAdmin = currentUser.IsInRole(portalSettings?.AdministratorRoleName ?? Constants.AdminsRoleName);

    if (authenticated && currentUser.IsSuperUser)
      return true;

    var menuItem = this.GetMenuByIdentifier(this.MenuName);
    if (menuItem != null && portalSettings != null)
    	return this.PersonaBarController.IsVisible(portalSettings, portalSettings.UserInfo, menuItem);

    switch (this.Scope)
      case ServiceScope.Admin:
      	return authenticated && isAdmin;
      case ServiceScope.Regular:
        if (portalSettings != null)
          // if user have ability on any persona bar menus, then need allow to request api.
          return this.PersonaBarController.GetMenu(portalSettings, portalSettings.UserInfo).AllItems.Count > 0;

        return isAdmin || currentUser.UserID > 0;
      	return false;
# Dependency Attribute

Why dependency injection?



Consuming code is not in control of the lifetime of dependencies




A focus on abstractions can result in loosely coupled code



It's how DNN (and .NET) manages and exposes its own dependencies

# Why


Central Management

One place to manage abstractions and lifetimes

Where is injection supported?

MVC Controller (DNN 9.4.0)

using DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.Framework.Controllers;

[DnnModuleAuthorize(AccessLevel = SecurityAccessLevel.Anonymous)]
public class HomeController : DnnController
  private readonly IMessageService messageService;

  public HomeController(IMessageService messageService)
    this.messageService = messageService;

  public ActionResult Index()
    var model = new HelloWorld
        Message = this.messageService.GetMessage(),
    return View(model);
# Introducing DI

Web API Controller (DNN 9.4.0)

using DotNetNuke.Web.Api;

[DnnModuleAuthorize(AccessLevel = SecurityAccessLevel.View)]
public class HomeController : DnnApiController
  private readonly IMessageService messageService;

  public HomeController(IMessageService messageService)
    this.messageService = messageService;

  public string Get()
    return this.messageService.GetMessage();
# Introducing DI

Razor Model (DNN 9.4.0)

public class IndexModel
  private readonly IMessageService messageService;

  public IndexModel(IMessageService messageService)
    this.messageService = messageService;

  public string Title => this.messageService.GetMessage();
# Introducing DI

WebForms Module (DNN 9.4.0)

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules;

public partial class View : PortalModuleBase
  private readonly IMessageService messageService;

  public View()
    this.messageService = this.DependencyProvider.GetRequiredService<IMessageService>();
  protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
    this.Message.Text = this.messageService.GetMessage();
# Introducing DI

Scheduled Task (DNN 9.6.1)

using DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling;

public class ForceResetPasswordTask : SchedulerClient
    private readonly ResetPasswordService service;

    public ForceResetPasswordTask(ScheduleHistoryItem item, ResetPasswordService service)
        this.service = service;
        this.ScheduleHistoryItem = item;

    public override void DoWork()
            var result = AsyncHelper.Run(this.service.ForcePasswordResetAsync);
            this.ScheduleHistoryItem.Succeeded = true;
        catch (Exception exception)
            this.ScheduleHistoryItem.Succeeded = false;
            this.ScheduleHistoryItem.AddLogNote($"Exception while forcing password resets: {exception.Message}");
            this.Errored(ref exception);
# More DI

Service Route Mapper (DNN 9.8.0)

using DotNetNuke.Web.Api;

public class ExampleRouteMapper : IServiceRouteMapper
  private readonly IRouteSource routeSource;
  public ExampleRouteMapper(IRouteSource routeSource)
    this.routeSource = routeSource;

  public void RegisterRoutes(IMapRoute mapRouteManager)
    foreach (var route = this.routeSource.GetRoutes())
        new[] { route.Namespace, });
# Web API

Web API Action Filter (DNN 9.9.0)

public class MenuPermissionAttribute : AuthorizeAttributeBase, IOverrideDefaultAuthLevel
  private IPersonaBarController PersonaBarController { get; set; }

  /// <inheritdoc/>
  public override bool IsAuthorized(AuthFilterContext context)
    return this.PersonaBarController.IsVisible(context);
# Web API
  • WebForms Constructor Injection
  • Business Controller Class
    • IPortable
    • IUpgradeable
    • ModuleSearchBase

🆕 in DNN 10

  • Module Injection Filter
  • Event Message Processor
  • Persona Bar Extension Controller
  • Persona Bar Menu Controller
  • Site Import/Export
  • DDR Menu Localization
  • Navigation Provider
  • Auth Message Handler
  • Image Transform
  • Connectors
  • Prompt Commands
  • more?

🆕 in DNN 10

What can be injected?

Choose Your Own Dependency

using DotNetNuke.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

public class Startup : IDnnStartup
  public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<BaseClass, ExpensiveThing>();
    services.AddTransient<IThing, RegularThing>();
    services.TryAddTransient(_ => PortalController.Instance);
# Startup

DNN 9.4.2

namespace DotNetNuke.Abstractions
  public interface INavigationManager
    string NavigateURL();
    string NavigateURL(int tabID);
    string NavigateURL(int tabID, bool isSuperTab);
    string NavigateURL(string controlKey);
    string NavigateURL(string controlKey, params string[] additionalParameters);
    string NavigateURL(int tabID, string controlKey);
    string NavigateURL(int tabID, string controlKey, params string[] additionalParameters);
    string NavigateURL(int tabID, IPortalSettings settings, string controlKey, params string[] additionalParameters);
    string NavigateURL(int tabID, bool isSuperTab, IPortalSettings settings, string controlKey, params string[] additionalParameters);
    string NavigateURL(int tabID, bool isSuperTab, IPortalSettings settings, string controlKey, string language, params string[] additionalParameters);
    string NavigateURL(int tabID, bool isSuperTab, IPortalSettings settings, string controlKey, string language, string pageName, params string[] additionalParameters);
# Built-in

DNN 9.7.1

namespace DotNetNuke.Abstractions.Application
  public interface IDnnContext
    IApplicationInfo Application { get; }
  public interface IApplicationInfo
    string Company { get; }
    Version CurrentVersion { get; }
    string Description { get; }
    string HelpUrl { get; }
    string LegalCopyright { get; }
    string Name { get; }
    string SKU { get; }
    ReleaseMode Status { get; }
    string Title { get; }
    string Trademark { get; }
    string Type { get; }
    string UpgradeUrl { get; }
    string Url { get; }
    Version Version { get; }
    bool ApplyToProduct(string productNames);
  public interface IApplicationStatusInfo
    UpgradeStatus Status { get; }
    string ApplicationMapPath { get; }
    Version DatabaseVersion { get; }
    bool IsInstalled();
    void SetStatus(UpgradeStatus status);
    void UpdateDatabaseVersion(Version version);
    void UpdateDatabaseVersionIncrement(Version version, int increment);
    bool IncrementalVersionExists(Version version);
    int GetLastAppliedIteration(Version version);
  public interface IHostSettingsService
    bool GetBoolean(string key);
    bool GetBoolean(string key, bool defaultValue);
    double GetDouble(string key);
    double GetDouble(string key, double defaultValue);
    string GetEncryptedString(string key, string passPhrase);
    int GetInteger(string key);
    int GetInteger(string key, int defaultValue);
    IDictionary<string, IConfigurationSetting> GetSettings();
    IDictionary<string, string> GetSettingsDictionary();
    string GetString(string key);
    string GetString(string key, string defaultValue);
    void IncrementCrmVersion(bool includeOverridingPortals);
    void Update(IConfigurationSetting config);
    void Update(IConfigurationSetting config, bool clearCache);
    void Update(IDictionary<string, string> settings);
    void Update(string key, string value);
    void Update(string key, string value, bool clearCache);
    void UpdateEncryptedString(string key, string value, string passPhrase);
# Built-in

DNN 9.7.2

namespace DotNetNuke.Abstractions.Portals
  public interface IPortalAliasService
    string GetPortalAliasByPortal(int portalId, string portalAlias);
    string GetPortalAliasByTab(int tabId, string portalAlias);
    bool ValidateAlias(string portalAlias, bool ischild);
    int AddPortalAlias(IPortalAliasInfo portalAlias);
    void DeletePortalAlias(IPortalAliasInfo portalAlias);
    IPortalAliasInfo GetPortalAlias(string alias);
    IPortalAliasInfo GetPortalAlias(string alias, int portalId);
    IPortalAliasInfo GetPortalAliasByPortalAliasId(int portalAliasId);
    IDictionary<string, IPortalAliasInfo> GetPortalAliases();
    IEnumerable<IPortalAliasInfo> GetPortalAliasesByPortalId(int portalId);
    IPortalInfo GetPortalByPortalAliasId(int portalAliasId);
    void UpdatePortalAlias(IPortalAliasInfo portalAlias);
# Built-in

DNN 9.8.0

namespace DotNetNuke.Abstractions
  public interface ISerializationManager
    string SerializeValue<T>(T value);
    string SerializeValue<T>(T value, string serializer);
    string SerializeProperty<T>(T myObject, PropertyInfo property);
    string SerializeProperty<T>(T myObject, PropertyInfo property, string serializer);
    T DeserializeValue<T>(string value);
    T DeserializeValue<T>(string value, string serializer);
    void DeserializeProperty<T>(T myObject, PropertyInfo property, string propertyValue)
      where T : class, new();
    void DeserializeProperty<T>(T myObject, PropertyInfo property, string propertyValue, string serializer)
      where T : class, new();
namespace DotNetNuke.Abstractions.Logging
  public interface IEventLogger
    void AddLog(string name, string value, EventLogType logType);
    void AddLog(string name, string value, IPortalSettings portalSettings, int userID, EventLogType logType);
    void AddLog(string name, string value, IPortalSettings portalSettings, int userID, string logType);
    void AddLog(ILogProperties properties, IPortalSettings portalSettings, int userID, string logTypeKey, bool bypassBuffering);
    void AddLog(IPortalSettings portalSettings, int userID, EventLogType logType);
    void AddLog(object businessObject, IPortalSettings portalSettings, int userID, string userName, EventLogType logType);
    void AddLog(object businessObject, IPortalSettings portalSettings, int userID, string userName, string logType);
    void AddLog(ILogInfo logInfo);
  public interface IEventLogConfigService
    void AddLogType(string configFile, string fallbackConfigFile);
    void AddLogTypeConfigInfo(ILogTypeConfigInfo logTypeConfig);
    void AddLogType(ILogTypeInfo logType);
    void DeleteLogType(ILogTypeInfo logType);
    void DeleteLogTypeConfigInfo(ILogTypeConfigInfo logTypeConfig);
    IEnumerable<ILogTypeConfigInfo> GetLogTypeConfigInfo();
    ILogTypeConfigInfo GetLogTypeConfigInfoByID(string id);
    IDictionary<string, ILogTypeInfo> GetLogTypeInfoDictionary();
    void UpdateLogTypeConfigInfo(ILogTypeConfigInfo logTypeConfig);
    void UpdateLogType(ILogTypeInfo logType);
  public interface IEventLogService : IEventLogger
    void ClearLog();
    void DeleteLog(ILogInfo logInfo);
    IEnumerable<ILogInfo> GetLogs(int portalID, string logType, int pageSize, int pageIndex, ref int totalRecords);
    ILogInfo GetLog(string logGuid);
    void PurgeLogBuffer();
# Built-in

DNN 9.11.1

namespace DotNetNuke.Abstractions.Portals.Templates
  public interface IPortalTemplateController
    void ApplyPortalTemplate(int portalId, IPortalTemplateInfo template, int administratorId, PortalTemplateModuleAction mergeTabs, bool isNewPortal);
    (bool success, string message) ExportPortalTemplate(int portalId, string fileName, string description, bool isMultiLanguage, IEnumerable<string> locales, string localizationCulture, IEnumerable<int> exportTabIds, bool includeContent, bool includeFiles, bool includeModules, bool includeProfile, bool includeRoles);
    IPortalTemplateInfo GetPortalTemplate(string templatePath, string cultureCode);
    IList<IPortalTemplateInfo> GetPortalTemplates();
# Built-in

Tips & Tricks

Prompt Command

In the Prompt page of the Persona Bar, run list-services to see what's registered



HTTP Client & Polly


Microsoft. Extensions.Http. Polly and automatically handle transient errors


Get Request Scope

Use the service scope from the current HTTP request to do service location where DI isn't yet supported

# Bonus


# Prompt

HttpClient & Polly

# Error Handling
using Polly;
using Polly.Contrib.WaitAndRetry;
using Polly.Extensions.Http;
using Polly.Registry;

public static class Policies
    public const string RetryWithExponentialBackoff = nameof(RetryWithExponentialBackoff);
    private const string LoggerContextKey = "logger";

    public static void InitializeRegistry([NotNull]IPolicyRegistry<string> pollyRegistry)
        if (pollyRegistry == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pollyRegistry));

                                .WaitAndRetryAsync(Backoff.DecorrelatedJitterBackoffV2(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), 4), OnRetry));

    public static Context PrepareContext(string operationKey, ILogger logger)
        return new Context(operationKey, new Dictionary<string, object>(1) { { LoggerContextKey, logger }, });

    private static void OnRetry(DelegateResult<HttpResponseMessage> result, TimeSpan wait, int retryCount, Context context)
        if (!context.TryGetValue(LoggerContextKey, out var loggerObject) || loggerObject is not ILogger logger)

        if (result.Exception is not null)
            logger.LogRetryOnException(result.Exception, wait, retryCount);
            logger.LogRetryOnTransientHttpError(result.Result, wait, retryCount);

using DotNetNuke.DependencyInjection;

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions;

public class Startup : IDnnStartup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        var pollyRegistry = services.AddPolicyRegistry();


    private static void ConfigureSearchService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, HttpClient client)
        client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Config.GetSettings("SearchServiceBaseUrl"));

HTTP Request Scope

# Skins & friends
<script runat="server">
private string GetJson(object someObject)
  var httpContext = HttpContextSource.Current;
  var serviceScope = httpContext.GetScope();
  var jsonSvc = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService<IJsonService>();
  return jsonSvc.ToJson(someObject);

<div class="json-array"><%: GetJson(new[] { 1, 2, 3, }) %></div>

DNN Dependency Injection

By Brian Dukes

DNN Dependency Injection

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