Building Static Websites with Content from a Headless DNN

Brian Dukes

CTO, Engage

What is Headless?

Why HeadLess?

  • Multi-channel publishing
  • Unconstrained display
  • Focused development

Project Overview

  • Hundreds (ultimately thousands) of similar websites
  • Custom modules to manage content within DNN
  • Generate static HTML based on a site's content
  • Host HTML on AWS (CloudFront CDN in front of S3)

Static Websites?


  • Fast
  • Secure
  • Scalable
  • Cheap


  • Dynamic only via JavaScript and APIs
    • Personalization
    • A/B testing
    • Analytics and logging

DNN Integration



  • URLs
  • Settings
  • Metadata
  • Theme

Site Settings

Custom Modules

  • Manage Site Settings
  • Create Content
  • Assign Content
  • DNN Content Items
  • Preview and Publish

Static Site Generation


  • Razor
    • Authoring
    • Dependency management
  • Memory Leak
  • Razor
    • Authoring
    • Dependency management
  • Memory Leak
Razor markup


Use DNN for Display

3rd Party Content Management

  • 2sxc
  • OpenContent
  • Mandeeps

Custom Modules

Headless CMS (JAMstack)

  • Contentful
  • Kentico Kontent
  • Strapi
  • Netlify CMS


Building static websites with content from a headless DNN

By Brian Dukes

Building static websites with content from a headless DNN

This session will review our experience using DNN as a headless CMS. This allows us to use DNN for content administration while having complete control over the output of the finished website. We'll discuss benefits and challenges of the approach, and explore possible alternatives.

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