

"Unwinding a big problem for web standards at large in a way that is hopefully ultimately also good for igalia."


Developer pain:

HTML lacks common GUI elements


Perception: The data shows we just don't care

~40 elements pre 1995
35 elements 1995-1997

~45 elements 1997-2000

~35 elements  2000-2014

~5 elements  2014-2021


~40 elements pre 1995
35 elements 1995-1997

~45 elements 1997-2000


9 years: 120 elements

That's roughly 13 a year.


More than one a month.

If we still cared, we'd have 72 more elements between 2014-2020


"The CSS Working Group set their minds to grid, defined it and got everyone to ship it in a couple of months"


Very much not that

A broad class of problem with outsized cost to the ecosystem

It's a little bit true

Hello. I care.

Let's get together, we'll have coffee.. no big whoop.

we need to start understanding data similarly...

~40 elements pre 1995
35 elements 1995-1997

~45 elements 1997-2000

~35 elements  2004-2014

~5 elements  2014-2021

The dates are totally arbitrary, this kind of isn't how it works.

Different eras/problems too..

~40 elements pre 1995
35 elements 1995-1997

~45 elements 1997-2000

~35 elements  2004-2014

~5 elements  2014-2021

 ~20 freebies, ~30 deprecated, ~30 of debatable value
A considerably small number of "really good" inventions, most w/mistakes for the first 19 years


~40 elements pre 1995
35 elements 1995-1997

~45 elements 1997-2000

~35 elements  2004-2014

~5 elements  2014-2021

How can we empower/enlist more help/fix mistakes?
It's early.  It takes time.

How can we do better?

A lot has happened in this time... But yes, not a lot of new elements.

... no element level wins yet

There have been proposals!


  • panels/panel-sets
  • switch
  • toast


And new enabling elements/attributes


  • "intent to ..."
  • "here's our proposal"
  • "from working with partners"
  • "our research showed"

Google's were an illustration of how this kind of communication breakdown  has outsized impacts...



We totally care


* trying something new



1) Fix the stuff that kinda exists already (ex. a styleable <select> without the same limits)

So... we care... See?

Title Text


Developer pain:

HTML lacks common GUI elements

Once we cut through the noise tho...
We found some good signal.

We're playing the wrong game.

Why tabs...

  • A11Y is well established, all work here is 'done'
  • Non-form participating, no "expect native" issue
  • Potentially not a need for many "secrets" - open styling?
  • Maybe progressively enhanceable even?
  • Maybe this is a few components?!

spec text from 06!

1. Work on one component with these qualities

2. Reassure them of interest and help engage/see how things work with standards/OpenUI

Tabvengers: More powerful together

  <h2>Tab 1</h2>
  <div>Tab 1 panel content</div>  
  <h2>Tab 2</h2>
  <div>Tab 2 panel content</div>

Let's experiment with this, together


  • It is, unsuprisingly a little confused itself... will also take some time.
  • Get UI design/libraries involved
  • Microsoft/Google/Salesforce/etc... +Igalia

We're trying to figure it out..

  • It's incubation
  • R&D
  • Show your work
  • Do it in the open
  • There's already a like-group

Goal -- this is wildly wrong currently

Step 1: What are tabs?



"Along the top edge"

Top or Bottom

+ Left (+ right?)

Top or Bottom





But they should all work the same...


  • Status?
  • Disabled tabs?
  • Dismissable tabs?
  • Reorderable?
  • etc..


Working on it with others - leading effort

At a minimum, goodwill (podcasts/writing)/marketing - and making connections with UI kit orgs who might be interested in funding..


Potentials for funding or Open Prioritization.  Google is interested in this too.


By Brian Kardell