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By: Brianna Jones

February, 24th, 1955

October, 5th, 2011


Who Is Steven Paul Jobs?

Steven Paul Jobs, whose better known as "Steve Jobs"is an American business man. He was the CEO, the chair man and co founder of Apple Inc. Apple has accumulated a jaw dropping $199.38 billion in sales to date. Bringing in a net worth of $741.8 billion making it the most valuable company in the world.

Early Life

Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February, 24th, 1955 to mother Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali who later gave him up for adoption. As an infant Steve was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs. Steve comes from a working class family that instilled confidence, tenacity and mechanical prowess into him as a young man growing up. Steve attended Homestead High school in 1971 where was introduced to his future partner Steve Wozniak. Together they realized the strong  passion they both had for technology. After high school Steve attended Reed College in Portland which he later dropped out of due to financial hardships. As a result he spent the next few months attending a creative class where he recounted that his true love for technology had been developed.

Friends & Family

- Steve Jobs had 4 kids

- Eldest daughter whose named Lisa Brennan-Jobs who was born May, 17th, 1978

- Married his wife Laurene Powell Jobs (born November, 6th, 1963) on March, 18th, 1991

- Had 3 children together Erin, Eve and Reed Jobs

Departure From Apple

- Steve was robbed of his position at apple after being the mastermind behind the revolutionary creation of the products that made up the brand

-Focused on creating a new hardware and software enterprise called NeXT

- Purchased annimation company, which is named Pixar Animation Studio's

- Jobs invested $50 million which nets at $4 billion today

Invention #1

- In 1976 at the age of 21 Jobs and Wazniak started working on the first Apple computer

-They began their business inside of their garage and funded their entrepreneurial venture by selling personal belongings

- Apple 1 for $600 out of Steves garage

-1980 Apple became a publically traded company with a market value of 1.2 billion


- Steve invented this iPod in 2001

- This product was known to be the "game changer"

- Itunes and the app store was brought out upon the release of the first generation iPod

- iPod sales made up half of apple revenue with 200 million iPods sold at that time

- Operating system was called OS X based on NeXt software, a company that also belonged to Steve


- Apple releases its first ever phone called the iPhone on June, 27th, 2007

- It had a 3.5 inch screen, and was the thinnest phone on the market at the time

- One of the first phones made without a keyboard

- 2 megapixel camera

- Apple sold about 270,000 phones in the first 30 hours of being released

- By 2011 apple sold $72 million iphones

Entrepreneurial Characteristics

Passion & Motivation - Steve was passionate about providing people with something that they will love both because it looked good and because it functioned well. His hard work and determination (sleepless nights) have led apple to the billion dollar company that they are now. 

Risk Taking - Steve purchased a company which is known as Pixar Animation today and when starting out he invested $50 million of his own money into this company believing in its potential. This company is now worth over $4 billion.

Planning - When Steve came back to Apple he set fourth a strategic plan to get apple back on track and gear it in a direction to where it can become profitable. His plan lifted apple from under the ground and brought fourth a fresh and likable image to the brand. 

Later Life

- Steve Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in about October of 2003

- Resigned from Apple on August, 24th, 2011 due to on going illness

- Steve Jobs passed away on October, 5th, 2011 at about 3:00 pm

- Steve job's was 56 years old

-Memorials were held world wide in his honour

Did You Know?

- Steve was a pascetarian, which meant that his diet contained fish but no other meat product

- Steve didn't shower regularly or wear deodorant

- Jobs had an entire team devoted to customizing Apples packaging. They studied the experience of opening a box to learn how to achieve the excitement and emotional response that is now common with all Apple products.


" You know, everybody has a cell phone but i don't know one person who likes their cell phone. I want to make a phone that people love."

Interesting Facts/Quotes


Steve Jobs biography:











By brianna123