Frontend Craft Update

Cameron / Carlo

April 30th 2019


  1. Goal Recap
  2. What We've Done
  3. What's coming next

Goal Recap

  • Stimulate learning + discussion around software as a skill, including
    • Design patterns
    • Helpful practices
    • Other unknowns
  • Frontend/Javascript
  • Read in advance, meet every ~3 weeks for 45 min

What We've Done

  • Survey
    • Topics of Interest?
    • Imagine 6 month failure modes
      • Run out of topics
      • No concrete outputs
      • Logistical failure (scheduling, motivation, etc)
  • Held 1st Meeting (8 people, 6 teams, 3 locations)
    • Notes in Google Drive
    • Used Etherpad (live simultaneous editing)

Headless UIs

Headless UIs

  • Multiple ways of achieving headlessness
    • Render props
    • Higher order component
    • Hooks
  • Cross Team code samples
    • Qin on Redux Container for Fullscreen
    • Stephen on injecting button dependency into Sidebar
    • Yoann on Telemetry/Zendesk UI library 
  • What is a Design Pattern
    • Antipatterns / being careful on hammer/nail

Next Steps

  • Trying videos instead of just texts (@Riko)
  • Highlighting tradeoffs (@Nathan)
  • Rotating note-taking / coordinating
  • Slack: #frontend-craft

Frontend Craft

By Cameron Yick

Frontend Craft

  • 970