OmegaT 5.7.2
setup guide

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Are you on Windows?

You should follow this guide if you want to use OmegaT in a computer running Microsoft Windows 10.


If your computer is a Mac, please refer to this other guide.


If your computer runs on Linux or any other operating system, please create a ticket in our Helpdesk and we'll provide special instructions to install and set up OmegaT.


OmegaT is the open source computer-assisted translation tool (CAT tool) which we use to translate, reconcile, adapt, review and verify materials.

Also, you will need to set up OmegaT with some additional files, in order to ensure an optimal interface and compatibility with the projects we prepare for you.

OmegaT version


  • Install OmegaT from the link provided in this guide.
  • Install OmegaT version 5.7.2


  • Do not download OmegaT from another link.
  • Do not install any other version of OmegaT

Setup in two steps

Notice that there are two steps in the setup process:

  1. Installation of OmegaT (the software itself)

  2. Installation of the config files

There might be occasional updates in the configuration, but unless you're instructed to do so, that won't require uninstalling or re-installing OmegaT.

Important check!

First of all, if you ever have installed OmegaT before, there's an important preliminary check and clean-up you must do.

In your file explorer, please go to folder C:\Program Files\OmegaT\plugins and see whether that folder contains any .jar files.

If that's the case, please delete those files (or ask IT to delete them) before proceeding with this guide.

Choose your path

Click on the box that corresponds to your current status:

The title bar shows your OmegaT version

You will:

  • Uninstall your version
  • Install OmegaT 5.7.2
  • Install config files

You will:

  • Install OmegaT 5.7.2
  • Install config files

You will:

  • Install config files

Step 0: Uninstall OmegaT

If you have OmegaT installed but its version is
different from 5.7.2, please uninstall it.

After having uninstalled that version, please proceed to step 1 to install version 5.7.2 of OmegaT.

Step 1.0: Download installer

Please download the installer.

Click on the link to download version 5.7.2 of OmegaT. Do not install any other version.

32bit or 64bit machine?

To check whether your computer is 32-bit or 64-bit:

  • Press Windows key+E to launch the File Explorer
  • Right-click on “This PC”

  • Select item “Properties” from the contextual menu

  • In the System window, look for “System type”. See screenshot below:


Step 1.1: Install OmegaT

During the installation:

  • You're free to install in the location of your preference but you're advised to keep the default installation path that OmegaT proposes. You should be able to install there even if you don't have admin rights.

Step 2: Configuration

  • The OmegaT installation must be customized with some configuration files.
  • The configuration consists of adding some additional config files to your installation, which will allow you to work with projects provided to you, and include:
    • optimized preferences
    • scripts
    • plugins
  • To do that, you must run the configuration script.

Step 2.0: Have the script yet?

It might be that you already have the script. 

To check, in OmegaT go to Tools > Scripting. Look for Update Customisation Bundle  on the list on left.

If the script is there, see step 2.3 to run it.

If the script is not there, go to step 2.1 to get it.


Step 2.1: Get the script

Download the updateConfigBundle.groovy script from here.

Tip: To download the script, right click on the link and select “Save Link As” (or “Save Target As”, depending on your browser)

right click

Save Link As



Step 2.2: Open the script

In OmegaT, go to Tools > Scripting > File > Open script, and select the updateConfigBundle.groovy file from wherever you have saved it. Press Open.

Warning: Please do not update OmegaT to a newer version even if OmegaT prompts you to.

Step 2.3: Run the script

Press the Run button at the bottom left of the Scripting dialog.

The script will install all the necessary custom files in your OmegaT's user configuration folder.

Step 2.4: Delete some files??

It could be that the script doesn't have permissions to delete certain files in your C:\Program Files\OmegaT\plugins folder and you must delete them manually.

Step 2.5: Everything ok?

  • You should now see all the script shortcuts under menu Tools > Scripting.
  • You should also see menu items Import OMT package and Export OMT package under Project.

Step 2.5: Everything ok?

Under menu Tools > Scripting you should now see:

  • All the script shortcuts

Under menu Project you should now see menu items:

  • Unpack project from OMT file
  • Pack project as OMT file
  • Pack and delete project

Auxiliary tools (optional)

If you need to insert non-breaking spaces or other special characters, you might  find our AutoHotKey script helpful.

  1. Download and install AutoHotKey

  2. Press Win+R on your keyboard and type shell:startup to open the Startup folder. Copy the path to that folder (e.g. C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup).

  3. Right click on this link, choose “Save link as” and paste the path to the Startup folder, to download the script file in that folder.

  4. Right click the script file (insert_unicode_char.ahk) in the Startup folder and choose Run script.

This script will be run automatically the next time your machine starts.

Any questions?

If anything is not clear or doesn't seem to work, do not hesitate to get in touch with us through our Helpdesk.

We're here to help :)

OmegaT 5.7.2 - setup guide

By cApStAn LQC

OmegaT 5.7.2 - setup guide

OmegaT 5.7.2 for Windows 10

  • 206