Idris for Scala developers

Install Idris
brew install idris
Please install the editor plugin for vim, emacs, Sublime, Atom, VS Code, ... (but not IntelliJ!)
Test your installation
$ idris
____ __ _
/ _/___/ /____(_)____
/ // __ / ___/ / ___/ Version 1.1.1
_/ // /_/ / / / (__ )
/___/\__,_/_/ /_/____/ Type :? for help
Idris is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
For details type :warranty.
Idris> 1 + 1
2 : Integer
Test your editor
- touch foo.idr
- open foo.idr in your editor
- write one line:
- press <leader>-d (in vim)
- another line should magically appear
foo : String -> Int
foo : String -> Int
foo x = ?foo_rhs
- Pure-functional Haskell-like language
- First-class, dependent types
- Supports multiple codegen backends
- Executable binary via C
- JS
- ...
Interesting features
- Interactive editing
- First class, dependent types
- Proofs
- Codata and infinite data structures
- Totality checking
- Strictness and laziness
Interactive editing
Key binding (vim) | Description |
<leader>-d | Write a skeleton definition for the type signature under the cursor |
<leader>-t | Show type of the thing under the cursor |
<leader>-c | Write a case split on the variable under the cursor |
<leader>-o | Proof search, i.e. guess a value to replace a hole |
(there are others, but I use these the most)
Interactive editing
In the editor, write a function type signature:
tailOrEmptyList : List a -> Bool -> List a
With the cursor over the function name, use <leader>-d to add a skeleton definition:
tailOrEmptyList : List a -> Bool -> List a
tailOrEmptyList xs x = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs
Interactive editing
With the cursor over the hole,
use <leader>-t to see some types:
tailOrEmptyList : List a -> Bool -> List a
tailOrEmptyList xs x = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs
a : Type
xs : List a
x : Bool
tailOrEmptyList_rhs : List a
Interactive editing
With the cursor over xs,
use <leader>-c to case split on that variable:
tailOrEmptyList : List a -> Bool -> List a
tailOrEmptyList xs x = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs
tailOrEmptyList : List a -> Bool -> List a
tailOrEmptyList [] x = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs_1
tailOrEmptyList (y :: xs) x = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs_2
Interactive editing
With the cursor over the first hole,
use <leader>-o to guess an implementation:
tailOrEmptyList : List a -> Bool -> List a
tailOrEmptyList [] x = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs_1
tailOrEmptyList (y :: xs) x = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs_2
tailOrEmptyList : List a -> Bool -> List a
tailOrEmptyList [] x = []
tailOrEmptyList (y :: xs) x = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs_2
Wow, the compiler just wrote some code for us!
Interactive editing
Now do a case-split on x using <leader>-c:
tailOrEmptyList : List a -> Bool -> List a
tailOrEmptyList [] x = []
tailOrEmptyList (y :: xs) x = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs_2
tailOrEmptyList : List a -> Bool -> List a
tailOrEmptyList [] x = []
tailOrEmptyList (y :: xs) False = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs_1
tailOrEmptyList (y :: xs) True = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs_3
Interactive editing
Finally we write the rest of the implementation manually and tidy up the patterns a bit:
tailOrEmptyList : List a -> Bool -> List a
tailOrEmptyList [] x = []
tailOrEmptyList (y :: xs) False = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs_1
tailOrEmptyList (y :: xs) True = ?tailOrEmptyList_rhs_3
tailOrEmptyList : List a -> Bool -> List a
tailOrEmptyList [] _ = []
tailOrEmptyList (x :: xs) False = []
tailOrEmptyList (x :: xs) True = xs
Dependent types
Refresher: path-dependent types in Scala
case class Flight(id: String) {
case class Seat(id: String)
def seat(id: String) = Seat(id)
def book(seat: Seat): Unit =
println(s"OK, booked seat ${}")
val outwardFlight = Flight("BA007")
val returnFlight = Flight("BA008")
val outwardSeat ="37A")
val returnSeat ="37A")
println(outwardSeat == returnSeat) // false // OK
// // doesn't compile
Refresher: path-dependent types in Scala
trait ResourceFactory {
type T
def open(name: String): T
object URLResources extends ResourceFactory {
type T =
def open(name: String) = new
object FileResources extends ResourceFactory {
type T =
def open(name: String) = new
def openResource(name: String, factory: ResourceFactory): factory.T =
openResource("foo.txt", FileResources) // returns a File
First class types
val x = String
x : Type
x = String
error: object java.lang.String is not a value
First class types
Functions can take types as arguments
(although you can't do much with them)
Functions can return types as results
(this is much more interesting)
foo : Type -> Bool
foo _ = False
foo : Bool -> Type
foo True = String
foo False = Int
Dependent types
In other words, types can be computed.
Types can depend on values.
foo : Bool -> Type
foo True = String
foo False = Int
Silly example
Let's write a function that decides whether a given value is less than 3
But we'll make type safety optional:
data Preference = StronglyTyped | StringlyTyped
sealed trait Preference
case object StronglyTyped extends Preference
case object StringlyTyped extends Preference
equivalent in Scala
Silly example
write functions to calculate the input and output types based on the preference:
inputType : Preference -> Type
inputType StronglyTyped = Integer
inputType StringlyTyped = String
outputType : Preference -> Type
outputType StronglyTyped = Bool
outputType StringlyTyped = String
Silly example
type signature of our function:
isLessThanThree : (pref : Preference) ->
(inputType pref) ->
(outputType pref)
Silly example
implement using pattern matching:
isLessThanThree StronglyTyped x = x < 3
isLessThanThree StringlyTyped x = boolToString verdict where
verdict : Bool
verdict = x == "zero" ||
x == "one" ||
x == "two" ||
pack(take 5 (unpack x)) == "minus"
boolToString : Bool -> String
boolToString False = "false"
boolToString True = "true"
Proper example: Vector
data Nat =
Z |
S Nat
First we'll need natural numbers:
Idris> Z
0 : Nat
Idris> S(Z)
1 : Nat
Idris> S(S(Z))
2 : Nat
Proper example: Vector
data Vect : (len : Nat) -> (elem : Type) -> Type where
Nil : --TODO
(::) : --TODO
number of elements
type of elements
Proper example: Vector
data Vect : (len : Nat) -> (elem : Type) -> Type where
Nil : Vect Z elem
(::) : (x : elem) ->
(xs : Vect len elem) ->
Vect (S len) elem
*vect> the (Vect 2 Int) (3 :: 4 :: Nil)
[3, 4] : Vect 2 Int
*vect> the (Vect 1 Int) (3 :: 4 :: Nil)
(input):1:21-23:When checking argument xs to constructor Main.:::
Type mismatch between
Vect (S n) elem (Type of x :: xs)
Vect 0 Int (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
S n
Proper example: Vector
Try implementing the following functions for working with Vectors:
- head/tail
- take/drop
- (++) to concat two vectors
- index (gets the element at index i)
- Hint: import Data.Fin
- Fin represents a finitely bounded natural number
Encoding state transitions in types
A typical Scala World attendee:
wake up
go hiking
go to bed
go to bed
How could we encode this situation in Scala?
- Pattern match on current state
- Use phantom types
wake up
go hiking
go to bed
go to bed
In Idris we have a similar choice
- Pattern match and return an Either
- Use a proof of valid state transition
wake up
go hiking
go to bed
go to bed
Idris is not a full-blown theorem prover,
but has support for proving things about your programs
addingZeroChangesNothing : (n : Nat) -> n + 0 = n
addingZeroChangesNothing Z = Refl
addingZeroChangesNothing (S k) = cong {f=S} (addingZeroChangesNothing k)
Proofs are used to:
- Convince the compiler of something that's true but only obvious to a human
- Add constraints to your types
- Define pre/post-conditions for functions
- Encode your assumptions
Exercise: write a function that inserts a value into a sorted list.
The function should require a proof that the list is sorted.
Codata and infinity
Support for infinite data structures like Stream is built into the language with the keyword
lists : Int -> List Int -> Stream (List Int)
lists n xs = xs :: (lists (n+1) (xs ++ [n]))
take 5 (lists 1 [])
-- [[], [1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4]] : List (List Int)
codata Stream : Type -> Type where
(::) : (e : a) -> Stream a -> Stream a
Exercise: construct an infinite binary tree
2 2
3 3 3 3
Totality checking
In Scala we get (limited) pattern match exhaustivity checking:
sealed trait A
case object B extends A
case object C extends A
def whatever(x: A): String = x match {
case B => "yeah"
//case C => "wow"
warning: match may not be exhaustive. It would fail on the following input: C
Idris provides more comprehensive totality analysis
e.g. pattern matching on integers:
whatever : Int -> String
whatever 1 = "wow"
whatever 5 = "yeah"
Main.whatever is not total as there are missing cases
Totality checking
e.g. checking for infinite recursion:
neverending : Int -> Int
neverending x = story (x - 1)
story : Int -> Int
story x = neverending (x - 1)
Main.neverending is possibly not total due to recursive path Main.neverending --> Main.story --> Main.story
Totality checking
Exercise: fix the code in total/fib.idr to make the function total
Strictness and laziness
Like Scala, and unlike Haskell, Idris is eager by default
Can mark an argument as Lazy,
similarly to in Scala
x: => Int
ifThenElse : Bool -> Lazy a -> Lazy a -> a
ifThenElse True t e = t
ifThenElse False t e = e
Idris for Scala developers
By Chris Birchall
Idris for Scala developers
- 4,054