
trick shots

Trick shot

  • Fun
  • Impressive
  • Pointless
  • Quines

  • Bit twiddling

  • Golf

  • Polyglots


  • Polyglot palindrome quine


Willard Van Orman Quine

(source: Wikipedia)

Let's write a quine

Don't try this at home









Bit twiddling

Counting the 1s in a 32-bit word



Counting the 1s in a 32-bit word

Naive implementation

int popCount(int x) {
  int ones = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
    if (x & 1) ones += 1;
    x = x >> 1;
  return ones;

13 x 32 = 416 x86 instructions (on average)

lots of branch misses

Counting the 1s in a 32-bit word

Optimal (?) implementation

int popCount(unsigned int x) {
  x = x - ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555);
  x = (x & 0x33333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x33333333);
  x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
  x = x + (x >> 8);
  x = x + (x >> 16);
  return x & 0x0000003F;

33 x86 instructions

no branching

(source: Beautiful Code, ch. 10)

Code golf

Print all the prime numbers < 1000

# Sieve of Eratosthenes.
# Prints all the prime numbers between 1 to n.
def eratosthenes(n):
    multiples = set()
    for i in range(2, n+1):
        if i not in multiples:
            print (i)
            for j in range(i*i, n+1, i):


290 bytes

for i in r(2,n):
	print i
	for j in r(i*i,n,i):m.add(j)

Print all the prime numbers < 1000

89 bytes



char*H="close\r\nContent-Type:text/html\r\n\r\n<canvas id=\
ageX-v.offsetLeft;y=e.               pageY-v.offsetTop};w=\
new WebSocket('ws'+                     location.href.subs\
tr(4));w.binary"                          "Type='arraybuff\
er';w.onmess"                               "age=function(\
e){c=v.getC"                                 "ontext('2d')\
;b=c.crea"              "teI"                 "mageData(12\
8,128);u=        new Uint8Array(d=e.           data);b.dat\
a.set(u)      ;c.putImageData(b,0,0)            ;u[0]=x/2;\
u[1]=y/2    ;w.send(d.slice(0,x<0?0:             2));x=y=-\
1}</scr"   "ipt>",b[9999];float*e,d[             65536],u,v
,lu,lv,    z;void*f;typedef unsigned              long long
l;l*p,t[  99]={0x67452301,0xEFCDAB89,            0x98BADCFE
,308438*  881,3285377520       },i,j,k           ,n,m[204];
#include        /*io*/          <stdio.h>        /*turing*/
void s(){  ;     for(  k          =0;k++<7 *  2  *9;)for(i=
0;++i<127; )      e=d +  i* 4   +512*k,1[e]      +=(i-u)*(i
-u)+(k-v)* (k- v  )<20?*e+=UV_DROP:0;}l*q=  m,   g=1LL<<32;
l(h)(l v,l (a)){ return(v<<a)|(v%g>>(32-a    )  );}int main
(int c/*ha r*/,  char**y){for(e=d;fgets(b      ,m[97]=480,\
stdin)&&*b >31;  )for( i=j=0;n=b[i],i<18   ?  (l)"sec-webs\
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<<(3-j%4)*8 ,++j<61:1;)i++;for(j=3;--j;    ){for(i=4;++i<74
;)i>9?p=q+i- 2             ,p[8]=h(p[5     ]^*p^p[-6]^p[-8]
#define/*hah  aha          <--mouth*/      laplacian(u)l##u
,1):(t[i]=t[9 -i]       );for(p=t+7          ,i=-1;++i<82;k
=*p++,p[2]=h(p[1],5)   +p[-3]+n+     (i/+     20%2?*p^k^p[-
2]:(*p&k)|((i< 20?~*p:*p|k)&p       [-2        ]))+*q++,t[+
81-i]+=(i>76)*     (* p=          h(*           p,30*(i<80)
)))for(;n-k;n=(((               1LL               +(9<<i/20
)/8)<<60)/k+k)/2)             k=n   ;}  for     (i =0;i<57;
i++)i<30?q[i%5*             16/   3+   i/5]   |=t[i%5]%g<<4
>>(30+i%5%3*2-i/5       *6)&   63,0    :(n   =*q++,b[i-30]=
n<62?n-37+"fl!"     [n      /26]:n    *4-    205);for(prin\
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on:%s%.27s=\r\n\r\n"       ,101   +99*!  *m,!*m?H:"upgrade\
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pt:",b);e-d<65536 ;      e+=  4)e[1]=(*e=UV_BACKGROUND);for
(;*m;c=0){for(f= c<      2  ?0:fopen(y[1],"r");f&&fscanf(f,
"%f,%f,",&u,&v)>0;)s      ();for(;j<SPEED*4;j+=2)for(i=0;i<
63504;e+=5-j%4*2,z=      TIMESTEP,*e=u+z*(elta_u),e[1]=v+z*
(elta_v),i+=4)for(c=  0;c+2;u=v,v=e[4],lu=lv,lv=e[-508]+*e+
u<0?0:u:c<0?124-c*3:c==5);/* -- The word "genius" is */ for

                 Alan Turing  (1912--1954)


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Rabbit holes

Programming trick shots

By Chris Birchall

Programming trick shots

  • 2,251