Corentin Cadiou

Postdoc @ Lund University
Chargé de recherche CNRS from Feb. @ IAP, Paris

Moving to exa-scale —challenges to (large) cosmological simulations



Sims including baryons:
\(\sim 100\times\) smaller volumes than observed

  • How to beat cosmic variance?
  • How to understand \(k>10\,h\,\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}\) effects?

Part I:
(somewhat) clever solutions

Genetic Modification Method (GM)

There's a lot of freedom in the initial conditions.

\(\tilde\delta=\sum_k {\color{green} a_k} \exp(i\mathbf{k r} + {\color{red}\phi_\mathrm{k}})\)


\(\langle a_{\mathbf{k}} a_{\mathbf{k'}}^\dagger\rangle = P(k)\delta_\mathrm{D}(\mathbf{k}-\mathbf{k}')\)

\(\phi_\mathrm{k}\sim \mathcal{U}(0,2\pi)\)

a. Inverted Initial Conditions

Utilizing inverted initial conditions to enhance estimators accuracy.

Pontzen+15, see also Chartier+21, Gábor+23

\(\tilde\delta_\mathrm{S}=\sum_{k<k_\mathrm{thr}} {\color{green} a_k} \exp(i\mathbf{k r} + {\color{red}\phi_k})+\sum_{k>k_\mathrm{thr}} {\color{green} a_k} \exp(i\mathbf{k r} + {\color{red}\phi_k+\pi})\)

\( 3^{\mathrm{rd}}\)-order correction
/ up-to-\(2^{\mathrm{nd}}\)

b. Splicing Technique

Most likely field \(f\) with

  • same value in spliced region (\(a\)),
  • as close as possible outside (\(b\))

Mathematically, \({\color{green}f}\) is the unique solution that satisfies:

  • \( {\color{green}f(x)}= {\color{blue}a(x)},\qquad\qquad\qquad\forall x \in\Gamma\)
  • minimizes \[\mathcal{Q} = ({\color{red}b}-{\color{green}f})^\dagger\mathbf{C}^{-1}({\color{red}b}-{\color{green}f}),\quad \forall x \not\in \Gamma \]


b. Splicing Technique

Same halo, different location in the cosmic web




Storck, CC+24

b. Splicing Technique

Same halo, different location in the cosmic web

Halo mass



Storck, CC+24

b. Splicing Technique

Same halo, different location in the cosmic web


10-100% of I.A. signal driven by the cosmic web*
*couplings beyond standard predictions, from e.g. constrained TTT

Storck, CC+24

Std. dev / mean

Numerical noise

Population scatter

c. Angular momentum GMO

Same galaxy, different tidal enviroment


Study response at low-\(z\)

Perturb tides at \(z\rightarrow\infty\)

on \(10-100\,h^{-1}\,\mathrm{Mpc}/h\)

LSS perturbations propagate quasi-linearly down to \(\mathrm{kpc}\) scales

⇒ Large \(k\) contain cosmological information

Part II:
bruteforce solutions

“When everything else fails, use more CPU time”

FLAMINGO (Schaye+23)
\(21\,\mathrm{Gpc}^3\), SWIFT
→ SPH approach

Large-volume hydro-cosmo simulations


Millenium-TNG (Springel+22)
\(0.125\,\mathrm{Gpc}^3\), Arepo

→ moving-mesh approach

Grid-based code?

Quite a shame, because it's where France's experts are
(Dubois, Hennebelle, Bournaud, …)


“When everything else fails, use more CPU time”

Data: Top-500

“When you run out of CPU time, move onto GPUs

Dyablo Simulation Code

Manage grid, simple computation

(hydro, gravity, …)






Typical approach: offloading

Dyablo's approach:

Amdahl's law: latency kills gains of parallelisation
(see F. Leclercq talk)

Dyablo Simulation Code

Manage grid, simple computation

(hydro, gravity, …)


(or CPUs)


Typical approach: offloading

Dyablo's approach: “true” GPU computing, CPU as a puppeteer

Main developers: P. Kestener, A. Durocher, M. Delorme (CEA)
+ GINEA collaboration (ObAS, IAP, CRAL, CRIStAL …)

☑ Hydrodynamics
(M. Delorme, A. Durocher)

☑ Gravity
(A. Durocher, M.-A. Breton)

☑ Cosmology
(O. Marchal, D. Aubert)


Spring 2025?
“Full” cosmological sim on GPU

Dyablo: status

Gas cooling (CC)

Star form. & feedback (incl. CC)

+ RT, MHD, testing, setting up ICs, ...

Dyablo: how does it scale?

Image credits: Arnaud Durocher

Conclusion & take home message

  • Possible to build cosmological experiment
    ⇒ GMs as machine to study scale couplings
    • Thoughts on possible applications for DE/DM questions?
    • \(10\,\mathrm{Mpc}/h\leftrightarrow \mathrm{kpc}\) for scalars (Mass, \(R_\mathrm{vir}\), ...) is small
    • from \(\sim 100\,\mathrm{Mpc}/h\) to \(\sim \mathrm{kpc}\) large for vector quantities (AM, shape)

  • When clever approaches fail, resort to brute force
    • Future is (most likely) driven by GPUs
    • Promising developments in France with Dyablo

Moving to exa-scale - challenges to (large) cosmological simulations

By Corentin Cadiou

Moving to exa-scale - challenges to (large) cosmological simulations

  • 69