Fundamental Forces
Erick Carranza
Cesar Alvarado
Per.4 April 25,2014
- This is the strongest force of the four.
- A force which holds the nucleus together, which is made up of protons and neutrons.
- Short range- particles must be extremely close before its effects are felt.
Strong Nuclear
Weak Nuclear
- Of the four, it is the third strongest.
- The force which causes nuclei to undergo radioactive decay by the loss of subatomic particles.
- If weak force were not to exist many types of matter would become much more stable.
- ex.) the sun would cease to exist
- The second strongest force of the four.
- The force that exists between all particles which have electric charges.
- I.E.) Attraction and repulsion.
Under the fundamental force of electromagnetism, there are two main forces, Electrostatic force and Magnetic force. Electrostatic force is responsible for lightning, balloons sticking to your shirt, and why when you rub your feet on a rug you can shock someone. Electrostatic forces have effect on atoms that an electric charge meanwhile magnetic charges contain both a positive and negative charges, north and south pole. But both forces are one in the same, they just have slightly different properties.
Gravity exists whenever there is matter.
- It is the that keeps us to the ground.
- But it is the weakest of the four forces.
By cesaralvarado598
- 739