My Degree is From the Internet

Charelle Collett


Open Universities Australia

How it works

  • 4 Study Periods per year
  • Lecture recordings, slides, readings & tute sheets
  • Blackboard Collaborate / hangouts
  • Nominated venue for exams


  • Time flexibility - working while studying
  • Can be anywhere in the world
  • Easy to take a break when life happens
  • Accessibility
  • No entry requirements
  • Easy to live chat
  • Group projects
  • Diverse cohort
  • Electives from various providers


  • Self motivated
  • Easy to ignore
  • Communication with admin can be frustrating
  • Fun with BbCollab
  • No mid-sem break or swotvac
  • Exam week overlaps with Week 1
  • Range of courses doesn't cover everything
  • No public transport concessions

Neither here nor there

  • Fees are the same - can be put on HECS
  • Can transfer credit
  • Courses are available stand-alone

Not for everyone


Feel free to chat with me (@charcol0x89)

or Ducky (@Ducky_Tape)

My Degree is From the Internet

By Charelle Collett

My Degree is From the Internet

Lightning talk for CompCon 2016

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