Why AI Industry needs a Revision Control Graph Database

Cheuk Ting Ho

Grab this slidedeck: slides.com/cheukting_ho/ato2021

What's a Graph?
And Why?

Limitation of relational DB

  • Flat structure
  • Many joints
  • Data type confusion
  • SQL - injection attack

Sematic Graphs

  • Imagin a data lake with fully flexible structure
  • Linking heterogenic data
  • Metadata is also stored
  • Uses RDF sementic triples

But RDF is scary

Document interface

  • Model data in an object-orientated manner
  • Self-explanatory schema
  • Comments are welcomed
  • JSON-LD - No injection attack
# This is the script for storing the schema of your TerminusDB
# database for your project.
# Use 'terminusdb commit' to commit changes to the database and
# use 'terminusdb sync' to change this file according to
# the exsisting database schema
Title: This is an Example
Description: Example to show how schema works
Authors: TerminusDB, Cheuk
from typing import List, Optional, Set

from terminusdb_client.woqlschema import (

class Country(DocumentTemplate):
    """This is Country.

    Country is a class object in the schema. It's class attributes will be the properties of the object. Therefore, a Country object will have a name which is string and a list of alias names that is called 'also_know_as'

    _key = HashKey(["name"])  # Specifies a specific key generation method to use
    name: str
    also_know_as: List[str]  # Can be a list

class Address(DocumentTemplate):
    """This is address"""

    _subdocument = (
    )  # Subdocument means that it will not be reference when added as a property of another object
    street: str
    postal_code: str
    country: Country  # Type can be a Class that is defined

class Person(DocumentTemplate):
    """This is a person

    Can store the explanation to the attributes in the docstring. Docstrings needs to be in numpydoc format.

    name : str
        Name of the person.
    age : int
        Age of the person.

    name: str
    age: int
    friend_of: Set["Person"]  # Using quotation for future reference

class Employee(Person):
    """Employee will inherits the attributes from Person"""

    address_of: Address
    contact_number: Optional[str]  # if Optional is used, it can be None
    managed_by: "Employee"

class Coordinate(DocumentTemplate):
    _abstract = []  # Abstract means that it cannot have any instances
    x: float
    y: float

class Location(Address, Coordinate):
    """Location is inherits from Address and Coordinate

    Class can have multiple inheritance. It will inherits both the attibutes from Address and Coordinate.

    name: str

class Team(EnumTemplate):
    """This is an example for Enum, if a value is not provided, the name of the Enum (e.g. Marketing) will be used as the value."""

    IT = "Information Technology"
    Marketing = ()

class Contact(TaggedUnion):
    """TaggedUnion allow options for types"""

    local_number: int
    international: str

Store data like git - Branch, Merge, Rollback and Collaborate 

  • since the database is also a graph (yup, it is, why not) we can perform git magics

  • Git is great for code, but not data

  • In the database data are stored in layers for optimum efficiency

  • share and collaborate your data on (just like GitHub but for graph data)

  • Enable DataOps on Machine Learning

  • Better data governance

Let's Time travel



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Wants to know more?

ATO - Why AI Industry needs a Revision Control Graph Database

By Cheuk Ting Ho

ATO - Why AI Industry needs a Revision Control Graph Database

Brief introduction of graph database and why

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