Cheuk Ting Ho
Developer advocate / Data Scientist - support open-source and building the community.
Online Absolute Beginner Python Tutorials
Every Sunday 2pm (UK time/ BST)
by Cheuk Ting Ho
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Beginner topics:
Python objects - int, float, str, list, dict, bool
Control flows - if-else, for loop, while loop
Functions, modeuls, classes and decorators
strings operations and regex with re
pytest with fixtures and mock
property-based testing
python linters & auto-formatters
Intermedite topics:
Generator functions allow you to declare a function that behaves like an iterator, i.e. it can be used in a for loop.
Python generators are a simple way of creating iterators.
Compare to implement a class with __iter__() and __next__() method.
def firstn(n):
num = 0
while num < n:
yield num
num += 1
The send() method resumes the generator and sends a value that will be used to continue with the next yield. The method returns the new value yielded by the generator.
def numberGenerator(n):
number = yield
while number < n:
number = yield number
number += 1
g = numberGenerator(10) # Create our generator
next(g) #
def generator1():
for item in generator2():
yield item
def generator1():
yield from generator2()
Sunday 2pm (UK time/ BST)
This week no Mid Meet Py because:
By Cheuk Ting Ho
Developer advocate / Data Scientist - support open-source and building the community.