Use Hypothesis

whether you like writing tests or not

Do you write tests?

Who code?

Do you like writing tests?

What is the most difficult part of writing tests?

  • Importing the code
  • Organizing the tests
  • Think of test cases

Hello I am Cheuk

  • Open-Source contributor

  • Organisers of community events

  • PSF director and fellow
  • Community manager at OpenSSF

Have you heard of property-based testing?

A new way of writing tests...


  • the given is obvious

  • works extra well with typing

  • edge case automatically be found


  • need to think of what is and what is not
  • take extra steps to write examples

  • may overlook edge cases

Testing by...



Can be used with pytest or unitest

How does Hypothesis do it?


entry point to modify the test


generating test data

def encode(input_string):
    count = 1
    prev = ""
    lst = []
    for character in input_string:
        if character != prev:
            if prev:
                entry = (prev, count)
            count = 1
            prev = character
            count += 1
    entry = (character, count)
    return lst

def decode(lst):
    q = ""
    for character, count in lst:
        q += character * count
    return q
from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import text

def test_decode_inverts_encode(s):
    assert decode(encode(s)) == s

Who uses numpy and/or pandas?

You are in luck

Hypothesis for the scientific stack



What if I am really lazy?

But I hope you are still using typing 🙃

We have the 👻 ghostwriter for you

  • Using the typing as a hint
  • pick the right strategy for input parameters
  • CLI tool included
  • Automatically `black` the code for you

We have the 👻 ghostwriter for you

hypothesis write gzip

Just type in command line...

Ghostwriters 👻 available are...


checks that valid input only leads to expected exceptions

from re import compile, error

from hypothesis.extra import ghostwriter

ghostwriter.fuzz(compile, except_=error)


result does not change when use the funciton on its own output

from typing import Sequence

from hypothesis.extra import ghostwriter

def timsort(seq: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]:
    return sorted(seq)



calling the 2nd function to the result of the 1st one will go back to the input

import json

from hypothesis.extra import ghostwriter

ghostwriter.roundtrip(json.dumps, json.loads)


check the 1st function has the same effect as the 2nd function

import math

from hypothesis.extra import ghostwriter

def my_pow(x, y):
  result = 1.0
  for _ in range(y):
    result *= x
  return result

ghostwriter.equivalent(my_pow, math.pow)

... and 2 more 

binary_operation : for testing binary operators

ufunc : for Numpy array ufunc

Using the CLI tool

Let's try 😉

... few things to consider though...

  • tests can run much slower
    (generate strategies are expansive)
  • tests can be harder to understand
  • if no typing not much can be done
    (don't be too lazy 👻)

Following up

Thank you ❤️

Use Hypothesis, whether you like writing tests or not

By Cheuk Ting Ho

Use Hypothesis, whether you like writing tests or not

  • 405