Kubernetes 101
What is Kubernetes?
- A cloud-native container orchestrator
- Velocity
- Self-healing
- Declarative configuration
- Immutability
- Scaling
- Abstracting infrastructure
- Efficiency
- High availability
- Velocity
K8s Architecture (1)
K8s Architecture (2)
K8s Architecture (3)
K8s Resource Types
- Ingress
- Statefulset
- Daemonset
- Job/Cronjob
- Controller
- more...
- Namespace
- Pod
- ConfigMap/Secret
- Service
- ReplicaSet
- Deployment
Labels and Annotations
- Help identifying K8s objects
- For grouping, viewing, and operating
- Used with selectors
- Help identifying K8s objects
- Additional metadata about objects
- Where the object came from
- How to use the object
- Policy around the object
- Assist tools and libraries that interact with K8s
- Additional metadata about objects
- Multiple virtual clusters on the same physical cluster
Provides a scope for names:
- Names must be unique within a namespace
- Names can be repeated across namespaces
- K8s starts with three namespaces
- A collection of one or more containers
Core unit of management
- Isolation
- Dynamic scaling
- Container within the same pod can talk to each other via localhost
- Containers in the same pod run on the same node
- Affinity and anti-affinity
The kubelet checks pods for:
- Readiness
- A pod is ready when all its containers are
- Unready pods are removed from load balancers
- Liveness
- A pod not responding to liveness checks will be killed and restarted
- Readiness
- Configuring health checks is mandatory
- Automatic pod lifecycle management
- Load balancing
- Decouple configuration from container images
- For portability purposes
- Key value map
- Can be injected in containers as:
- Environment variables
- Files
- ConfigMaps can be updated dynamically
- API similar to ConfigMap
- Different intent
- Hold confidential information
- Different intent
- Initial security advantages were limited
- Opaque (base64 encoded)
- Only sent to a node if a pod on that node requires it
- Secrets are decoupled from the underlying data protection mechanism
- As of K8s v1.13.0, encryption at rest is available
- Enables service discovery
- Endpoints are identified via label selectors
- Readiness-checks dependent
Service types
- ClusterIP
- NodePort
- Headless
- LoadBalancer
- Manage sets of pods
- via label selectors
- Reconciliation loop ensures current state matches desired state
- Desired state is expressed via pod template
ReplicaSets provide:
- Redundancy
- Scaling
- Manual and automatic
- Sharding
- Run on top of replica sets
- Direct usage of deployments should be preferred over that of replica sets
Deployment strategies
- Configurable
- maxUnavailable
- maxSurge
- Configurable
- Involves downtime
Deploying the GitOps Way
- Git is the source of truth
- Everything is declarative
- Container images
- Deployment descriptors
- IaC
- Complete audit trail
- Update and rollback from Git
- Everything is declarative
- Secure deployments
- Pull rather than push
- No deployment service running in clusters
- No need to expose cluster credentials
- Pull rather than push
- GitOps enables true resiliency
CI/CD Pipeline
GitOps with Flux
Manage external access to the services in a cluster
- Load balancing
- SSL termination
- Name-based virtual hosting
- Based on an Ingress controller
- Opaque != encrypted
- Anybody can base64 decode a k8s secret
- Not suitable to be stored in VCS/SCM
- Asymmetric encryption using SealedSecret
- Dev encrypts secret using public key/certificate
- K8s controller decrypts into a plain k8s secrets using private key
K8s Resources
The Illustrated Children's Guide to Kubernetes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4W8Z-D-gcQ
Kubernetes: Up and Running: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure (ISBN 1491935677)
Underworld's K8s-related documentation https://underdocs.walmartdigital.cl/#kubernetes
Google Cloud Platform's (GCP) Kubernetes 101 Workshop https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes-workshops/tree/master/bundles/kubernetes-101
kubernetes Deconstructed https://vimeo.com/245778144/4d1d597c5e
Free course Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine
Thank you!
Kubernetes 101
By chindou
Kubernetes 101
- 430