CS 105C: Lecture 8

Last Time...


A way to abstract out "go through every element in the collection."

Have different capabilities: reading, writing, and arithmetic

Can be thought of as a "superpowered pointer," implemented by a class

Consists of common functions

A first valid element

A current element

A first invalid element

A way to access the data within the element

A way to get the next element

An associated data structure


(no special method)


*   [dereference]

next() or ++

Lambda functions

Anonymous functions that can be declared locally. Have three parts:

[=](int x, int y) -> bool { return x <= y; }

The capture block

Parameters and return type

The function body

How can this compile?


With a lot of difficulty. But it turns out that this pattern is unambiguous in C++.

Rules for reading <algorithm> documentation

  • Rule 1: You can pretend the ExecutionPolicy overloads don't exist
  • Rule 2: Look at the types and names in the simplest signature and think about what they mean.
  • Rule 3: Any unpaired iterators (e.g. d_first, first2) are assumed to point to a range large enough to be appropriate for the first range.
  • Rule 4: Unary lambdas take one operand, Binary lambdas take two.
    Predicates return booleans, and Ops return anything.


Q: What happens if you change the captured variable?

int main(){
   int x = 2;
   auto add_x = [ x](int z){return x + z;};
   x = 5;
   std::cout << add_x(3) << std::endl;
int main(){
   int x = 2;
   auto add_x = [&x](int z){return x + z;};
   x = 5;
   std::cout << add_x(3) << std::endl;

Q: How do I write a custom iterator for my class?

A2: You need to write your own iterator class. It'll need to implement at least the following custom ops:

  • *                  (dereference operator)
  • ++                (increment operator)
  • == and !=    (equality test operators)

Ideally, you also modify your class to provide the begin() and end() methods, which return iterators.

CS 105C: Lecture 8

LVals and Rvals and move (oh my!)

Warning: This is the most advanced subject we've encountered so far (possibly on-par with templates), and dives deep into the innards of C++.


This presentation has been kept deliberately short: ask lots of questions!

Copy Constructors

Copy Assignment



int x = 3;
int y = x;

y = 5;

std::cout << x << ", " << y << std::endl;

What does this print and why?

int main(){
  Dog thalia;
  Dog buck;
  Dog dog2 = thalia;
  buck = dog2;

class Dog {
   std::string name;
   Dog(const& Dog other){
     this->name = other.name;
   Dog& operator=(const Dog& other){
     this->name = other.name;
     return *this;
   void say_name(){
     std::cout << "Woof I am " << name << std::endl;

Copy constructors and copy assignment operators let us customize the behavior of assignment for our classes.

Calls custom copy ctor

Calls custom assignment

class IntVector {
   int* data;
   IntVector(const IntVector& other){
     for(size_t i = 0; i < other.size(); i++){
       data[i] = other[i];
   IntVector& operator=(const Dog& other){
     for(size_t i = 0; i < other.size(); i++){
       data[i] = other[i];
     return *this;

int main(){
  IntVector a = /* some initialization function */;
  IntVector b;
  b = a;   // How long does this take?

Sometimes, copies are expensive!

Consider the following code:

class X{
  int* data;
  X(){ expensive_operation1(); }
  X& operator=(const X& other){ 
  ~X(){ expensive_operation2();}

X create_an_x(){
  X x;
  return x;

int main(){
  X x;
  x = create_an_x();

In the absence of compiler optimizations, how many expensive operations are executed?

Consider the following code:

class X{
  int* data;
  X(){ expensive_operation1(); }
  X(const X& other){
  X& operator=(const X& other){
  ~X(){ expensive_operation2();}

X create_an_x(){
  X x;
  return x;

int main(){
  X x;
  x = create_an_x();

1: Construction

2: Temp Obj


3: Copy assignment from temporary

4: Destruct the temporary

Consider the following code:

class X{
  int* data;
  X(){ expensive_operation1(); }
  X& operator=(const X& other){
  ~X(){ expensive_operation2();}

X create_an_x(){
  X x;
  return x;

int main(){
  X x;
  x = create_an_x();

In this specific case, the compiler can take advantage of the return value optimization to avoid making copies--but this isn't always possible!

Assuming that construction, copy, and destruction are all expensive operations, how many expensive operations are requested on line 18?

X create_an_x(int i){
  X x;
  expensive_operation_3(x, i);  // Assume no copy made here
  return x;

X process_x(X x_in){
  X x = x_in;
  expensive_operation_z(x); // Assume no copy made here
  return x;

int main(){
  X x;
  std::vector<X> xs;
  for(int i = 0; i < BIG_NUMBAH; i++){

Even worse: swapping!!

template <typename T>
T swap(T& a, T& b){
   T temp = b;
   b = a;
   a = temp;

If T is std::vector<int> and the two inputs are each 100,000 elements large, we need to:


  • Copy 800kB of memory from b to temp
  • Copy 800kB of memory from a to b
  • Copy 800kB of memory from temp to a
  • Destroy temp

Optimal swap algorithm writes 24 bytes of memory!

Total amount of memory written: 2.4 MB

What we'd really like to have:

class X{
  int* data;
  X(){ expensive_operation1(); }
  X& operator=(const X& other){
    // Yoink! Data is mine now!
    std::swap(other.data, this->data);
  ~X(){ expensive_operation2();}

X create_an_x(){
  X x;
  return x;

int main(){
  X x;
  x = create_an_x();

We know that we aren't going to use the RHS of this again!!


So just swap the data pointers instead of mucking around with copies!

Could we just...steal the data instead of making an expensive copy?

Could we just...steal the data instead of making an expensive copy?

Answer: nope.

class X{
  int* data;
  X(){ expensive_operation1(); }
  X& operator=(const X& other){
    // Yoink! Data is mine now!
    std::swap(other.data, this->data);
  ~X(){ expensive_operation2();}

X create_an_x(){

int main(){
  X x, x2;
  x2 = create_an_x();
  x = x2;

C++ rules say that x should be a copy of x2 here--swapping their data is going to be very, very confusing!

Is it okay for us to steal the result of create_an_x()?


What makes it different from stealing the value of x2?

Wait a minute...

class X{
  int* data;
  X(){ expensive_operation1(); }
  X(const X& other){
    // Yoink! Data is mine now!
    std::swap(other.data, this->data);
  ~X(){ expensive_operation2();}

X create_an_x(){

int main(){
  X x, x2;
  x2 = create_an_x();
  x = x2;

LValues and RValues

In C++, some things can go on the left side, and some things can go on the right side.

x = 5;  // Okay!
y = 5;  // Also okay!
5 = y;  // Not okay!
x*y = 5; // Also not okay!

Rough intuition: named locations in memory can be treated as lvalues. Everything else is an rvalue.


RValues must go on the right hand side of an assignment operation. Only lvalues can appear on the left hand side of assignment.

References are restricted!

int& x = 5; // This is not legal!

int x = 5;
int& x2 = x;  // This is fine!

Why is the first line illegal?

In general, you may not take a non-const reference to an rvalue, because there may be no memory location to modify!

int& x = 3;

x++;  // What the heck does this modify? the literal value 3?


const int& x = 3;  // This is okay

Taking const references to rvalues is okay: we can't modify them.

Can't take non-const reference to rvalue

int test_ref(const int& x){
  return x + 2;

int main(){
  int c = test_ref(3);
int test_ref(int& x){
  return x + 2;

int main(){
  int c = test_ref(3);

Compiles fine!

error: cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type 'int&' to an rvalue of type 'int'

Introducing: RValue References!

int&& x = 5;

We can now bind a reference to rvalues!

To avoid confusion, the old reference type is now called an "lvalue reference".

int x = 3;     // Value
int&& x1 = 5;  // Rvalue reference
int&  x2 = x;  // Lvalue reference

Introducing: RValue References!

int&& x = 5;

We can now bind a reference to rvalues!

To avoid confusion, the old reference type is now called an "lvalue reference".

int x = 3;     // Value
int&& x1 = 5;  // Rvalue reference
int&  x2 = x;  // Lvalue reference

Note: Rvalue references will only bind to rvalues!!

Introducing: RValue References!

Can I

bind a...

...to a

Lvalue Reference

const Lvalue Reference

Rvalue Reference



int y;
int &x = y;
int y;
const int &x = y;
int y;
int &&x = y;

int &x = 5;

const int &x = 5;

int &&x = 5;

What can we do with rvalue references?

int main(){

Temporary destructed here

int main(){
  Dog&& dog = get_best_dog();

Temporary destructed here

Binding an rvalue reference to a temporary extends its lifetime

What can we do with rvalue references?

int&& x = 5;
x = x + 5;
std::cout << x; // Prints 10

Modify temporary values (don't worry, the compiler makes a copy before you do this!)

What can we do with rvalue references?

void derp(const int& x){
  std::cout << "I have an lvalue!" << std::endl;

void derp(int&& x){
  std::cout << "I have an rvalue!" << std::endl;

int main(){
  int x = 5;

Overload functions! Rvalues can bind to both rvalue and const lvalue references, but will preferentially select the rvalue overload if it exists.

And that's it!

That's pretty much everything we can do with rvalue references.

RValue Reference Overloads

(i.e. "Move Semantics")

The big thing about rvalue references isn't how you use them in code, it's for overloading functions.


Specifically, the constructor and assignment operator.

// Expensive to Copy!
struct ETC{
  int* data;
  int size;
  ETC(const ETC& other);
  ETC& operator=(const ETC& other);
  ETC(ETC&& other);
  ETC& operator=(ETC&& other);

Default Constructor

Copy Assignment Operator

Move Assignment Operator

Move Constructor

Copy Constructor

X create_an_x(){
  X x;
  return x;

int main(){
  X x;
  X x2;
  x2 = create_an_x();
  x = x2;

It is okay to steal this object's data in the assignment...

...but not this object's data.

...because this is an rvalue!

...because this is an lvalue!

// Expensive to Copy!
struct ETC{
  int* data;
  int size;
  ETC() = something;
  ETC(const ETC& other) = something;
  ETC& operator=(const ETC& other) = something;
  ETC(ETC&& other) noexcept : data{nullptr}, size{0} {
    std::swap(data, other.data);
    std::swap(size, other.size);
  ETC& operator=(ETC&& other) noexcept {
    std::swap(data, other.data);
    std::swap(size, other.size);
// Expensive to Copy!
struct ETC{
  int* data;
  int size;
  ETC(const ETC& other);
  ETC& operator=(const ETC& other);
  ETC(ETC&& other);
  ETC& operator=(ETC&& other);
ETC generate_ETC(){
  return ETC();

int main(){
  ETC a;
  ETC b = a;
  ETC c = generate_ETC();  
  • Line 6: Calls default constructor
  • Line 7: Calls copy constructor
  • Line 8: Calls move constructor
int main(){
  X x;
  std::vector<X> xs;
  for(int i = 0; i < BIG_NUMBAH; i++){

Moves can be chained!


Like it's cousin remove_if, move is confusingly named because it doesn't actually move anything!!

int main(){
  ETC a;
  ETC b = std::move(a);

std::move converts its argument into an rvalue reference-to-object, allowing you to use the move constructor.

After being moved-from, a is in an unknown state--it is the programmer's responsibility not to rely on anything about the value of a.

Rule of Five

If your class implements a non-default version of any of the following functions:

  • Destructor
  • Copy Constructor
  • Copy Assignment
  • Move Constructor
  • Move Assignment


then it almost certainly needs a custom version of all five of them.


Another way of saying this is "if you define or =delete any default operation, define or =delete all of them."

Some Confusing Points

lvalues and rvalues are a simplification!

The C++ standard actually defines five distinct value categories!


("pure rvalue")


("expiring value")


(what we've discussed in this lecture)


("generalized lvalue")


(a glvalue that is not an xvalue)

You do not need to memorize this information! Just remember the names in case you run across them in the future.

struct Tester{
    std::cout << "Default constructor called!\n";
  Tester(const Tester& other){
    std::cout << "Copy constructor called!\n";
  Tester(Tester&& other){
    std::cout << "Move constructor called!\n";
Tester gen_tester() {
  return Tester();

int main(){
  Tester&& a = gen_tester();
  std::cout << "NEXT!" << std::endl;
  Tester b = a;

Rvalue references are lvalues!!

If you think about this carefully, it's actually not terribly surprising:

  • Rvalue references are a named memory location
  • We use rvalue capture to indicate that something is a temporary that nobody else can access--if you bind an rvalue to an rvalue reference, this is no longer true.

...but it will catch you off guard a few times.


Copying is expensive, stealing is cheap!

int main(){
  X x, x2;
  x2 = create_an_x();
  x = x2;

Wherever possible, we'd like to move data around instead of making copies of it.


One problem: with the tools we've seen so far, there is no good way to tell when it's possible to move/steal data instead of copying it.

We can move out of create_an_x() but not out of x2. Why?

LValues and RValues allow us to distinguish between temporary and named data

Rvalues are values that can only live on the right hand side of an assignment operator--they have no named location in memory.

C++ lets us overload functions on the value category of the input with rvalue references, which can only bind to rvalues

ETC(ETC&& other) noexcept : data{nullptr}, size{0} {
  std::swap(data, other.data);
  std::swap(size, other.size);

Surprising Side Effect: Replacing a variable with an expression of its value can now sometimes fail!

int main(){
  int x = 5;
  do_something(5); // Works!
  do_something(x); // Compiler Error!

RValue references are almost exclusively used to implement move semantics

Since an rvalue can't be referred to again, we can just steal all of its data!

This is called move semantics and is implemented by making a move constructor and move assignment operator.

ETC(ETC&& other) noexcept : data{nullptr}, size{0} {
  std::swap(data, other.data);
  std::swap(size, other.size);

Quiz Next Week!

Vote on Piazza if you want it to be on Canvas or on paper

Focus is mostly on iterators/STL, with a lesser focus on templates

See the last slides in this presentation for a list of what to study

Project 3

Infinite lazy streams

Have you ever wanted to build a list of all the prime numbers?


Well now you can!

Project 3

Infinite lazy streams

The most challenging project to date! Requires knowledge of:

  • Templates
  • Shared Pointers (next lecture)
  • Rvalue/Lvalue references
  • Perfect forwarding (next lecture)
  • Classes/Objects/Inheritance


And even then, strange bugs will pop up (e.g. segfaults due to accidental infinite recursion)


Depending on your background, 1.5x to 4x harder than Project 2


  • Name and EID
  • One thing you learned today (can be "nothing")
  • One question you have about the material. If you leave this blank, you will be docked points.

    If you do not want your question to be put on Piazza, please write the letters NPZ and circle them.

Quiz 3

You should know:

  • What templates are
  • What parametric polymorphism is and how it differs from ad-hoc polymorphism
  • The basics of template syntax
  • When template code is actually generated
  • Code layout rules  when using templates
  • Why iterators are needed
  • The interface of an iterator (i.e. what each member does/is)
  • The iterator capability hierarchy
  • The special iterators insert and reverse, and what they do
  • The names and parts of a C++ lambda
  • How captured variables are treated in a lambda
  • When it is legal to use variables in a lambda

You do not need to (know):


  • Mechanisms of template code generation
  • decltype/declval
  • How to use templates with anything but typename in the template argument (i.e. template metaprograms)

You should be able to:

  • Write a simple template function
  • Understand how to implement a simple iterator for a data structure
  • Read the function signature for a function in <algorithm> and be able to describe what it does.

Additional Resources

CS105C: Lecture 8

By Kevin Song

CS105C: Lecture 8

Lvalues, Rvalues, and Move semantics

  • 375